My Ad Discovery Workshop Story- The st_ARTers

It is being said that “Unity is strength.. when there is team work and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” This exactly was attained by my team in our experience through the Ad Discovery Workshop. It is about a laboratory not just a class, in which we were participated in. This workshop is created by our Professor and advisor Miss Betty Tsakarestou, who is Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication Media and Culture at Panteion University of Athens.

Our mission was to build a Startup company, in a more innovating and interesting way. Mrs. Betty’s Tsakarestou main purpose was that students have to work as a team, cooperate with each other, communicate, discover and use our intelligence and our knowledge. In the first day at Discovery lab, we created groups based on the interests and the common goals we have. So, this is how our team was composed! It is about a four-member team, all Greek people( as there was a lot of Erasmus students at the class), named Irene Zerva Charitopoulou, Martha Davari, Όλγα Κουτρουμανου and me Semina Tsokana

And the journey began…

Our first meeting was around to come. After a brainstorming we have, we did find some ideas, but Όλγα came up with a great proposal. You may have a look at her own story We were to create a company focused on the street musicians, in order to bring together as many as possible of them. Of course we were all agreed. We decided that the name of the company would be “The stARTers”, while Irene designed the logo of our company. As for the musicians, we were about to go down- town, find them playing their music at streets and have interview with them.

Our logo

Another day, as we walking down the streets, we found some street musicians, one of them was Nikos, who was playing the guitar. We didn’t lose time. We just went and meet Nikos and have an interview with him. Then in our second meeting, we wrote down all together the interview and I designed a video embedded both with the interview and a small part of Nikos’ music.

Nikos during his playing

Here is a mini Video I made to present you one of our street musicians. Hope you enjoy it!

The difficulties was about to come….

Of course we faced difficulties, because some street musicians didn’t accept the idea of the interview. But we didn’t give up the attempt. We were just looking for other street musicians.

And an innovative idea had shown up!

We decided to build a web site , in which we will upload the interviews and the videos of the street musicians we have found.

This web site will help street musicians to see our work and at the same time they will have the opportunity to get to know with other like them. This kind of art have to in publish. Apart from the site, we want to make a facebook page and a twitter account,
Follow us in our Twitter page!, which was designed by Όλγα. Our social media was managed by all of us during the whole semester.

And then came our experience map!

One of the tasks we had, was to follow openIdeos’ structures and present our web site, so that our street musicians will have a look at this. And so goes the map, which was designed by Martha. You will get more information on her story

The final presentation has arrived!!

We work all together as a team, we summarize all the material we had, so that to be included in our power point , which was designed by Irene. Check out her story ( ). Have a look now at our power point.

To make a long story short, I want to thank Martha, Olga and Irene for this experience. We were more than a team,we are friends and we were collaborated in a more friendly and fascinating way. The result was really worthing. So my message is: Together Everyone Achieves More( T.E.A.M.)

