My StyleBook!

Finding the perfect outfit with one click; how would it be?

We came up with the idea of creating a platform which provides clothes-selection, through a variety of e-shops that cooperate with us .Thus, there is no need of loitering around stores, spending plenty of time trying various clothes and getting disappointed whenever you try online-bought clothes with divergence from what you actually expected.

The app will be addressed to everyone, no matter the age, gender, style, social background. By registering you automatically enter in our community and you have access to our site’s privileges. What’s more, you can register via Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Your style idea applied on an iconic doll!

After registering in our site, members are guided to their own profile with an empty closet next to it . In this closet would be saved all your favorite clothes and styles which can be either publicly displayed or private. The noteworthy part of the project is the existence of an iconic doll on which our selected clothes can be worn. As a result, members can visualize how the outfit would be on them . But how would it be possible? Male and female figures are various. There comes the edit of height, weight, body type, size, skin/hair/eye color. Our doll can be modified through these edits so each member is able to design itself, adopt and apply the desired style on the doll.

Moreover, you will have the opportunity to socialize with the other users by œchecking their closet, their style and the clothes appealing to them. Furthermore, users could expound their opinion about the others clothing choices. In that way, they are going to communicate with each other.

It is a fact that we not only buy clothes just for ourselves, but also clothes constitute a very good choice for gifts. Subsequently, the option of making adjustments to the œdoll, based on your friends characteristics, will be available. To illustrate our point, in the gift section, there will be an extra platform in which the doll can be re-modified straight from the beginning. Therefore, your friends characteristics can be applied on it.

Every magic comes with a price!

Without a shadow of doubt, all enterprises, in order to thrive and function properly, need corporate earnings. Given we do not sell products, we will have some compensation packages. To put it briefly, if a company wants us to advertise all their internet products, the cost will be negotiable and with a discount.The packages will be displayed in our website.

MH (Marketing Holics) : Martha Skyrianou Zefi Zervou Xenia kissa Vassilis Fragoulis Stavi diakoumakou

Dr. Stavros Kaperonis Betty Tsakarestou

