
My own story begins the first day of my Erasmus placement, in class of Ad Discovery Workshop, in which the professor was Ms. Tsakarestou , who is an Assistant Professor at the department of Communication, Media and Culture of Panteion University, Athens, Greece.

In a totally unfamiliar place I matched with 4 new girls from Greece. So, I, Lydia Chrysathou, Stavros Poyiatzis -who I came together from Cyprus-, and my girls Ioanna Thanasi, Danae Kontitsi, Katerina Tsigarida and Xenia Ntavranogou, created our team named Mix and Match.


In an interesting environment, we started looking for ideas and a concept for our start up. We decided that we will be an event planning company. Also, Danae suggested the Righno Campaign and so we started to work on this project. Simultaneously, we create our Social Media pages, I created the Facebook one and me and Xenia were the Media Managers for all Media accounts (Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn), the whole duration. I was responsible to update our pages and answer immediately to our clients or people who wanted to know more information about us and our services.

Then, almost every week we had face to face or Skype meetings to talk about our project and find solutions about our possible problems, to be ready for our presentations on Mondays. One of the tasks that we had was to follow OpenIdeo’s structures, and present our application the way our clients see it. So we made a user’s experience map following the steps we found at the OpenIdeo Resources.

The Prototype we made in a class motivated to finding and fixing our problems all the time. At a specific meeting, the Righno campaign divided us about the effectiveness will have in a startup company in Greece. Although Joanna and Danae design the official website about the Rhino campaign, we decided to leave this concept and find a new one.

The Righno Campain site:

After we have changed our mind, we had a new client, a photographer from England who wants to make an exhibition in Greece. This persona named Taylor is going to create his event through our star! Our star we call the event planning app that we proudly design and create . I was responsible to search the market, in order to make the app as much user friendly we can.

Watch our app :


In our last presentation, we realized that everything we learned helped us for our result. I could talk for hours for this cooperation and for what we have learned from the lesson. The good atmosphere, the chemistry between the team, the creative thinking, and the exchange of ideas, in combination with all that we have learnt at classes, were the key of our success.


If you are curious to know better my adorable partners I talked you, or me visit here:



Lydia Chrysanthou

Communication and Internet Studies_Cyprus University of Technology / Erasmus in Athens 2016_Panteion University/ Working at Action Global Communications/CY