New Wave Advertising and PR Agency

Who are we?

“Be the wave that brings the tsunami” was the vision that brought our team “New Wave” together -in the class “Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations — AD Discovery and Creative Lab” taught by the professor Betty Tsakarestou (@tsakarestou)- : Evangelia Riga- coordinator (@evelinariga20), Martha Lianou- art director, graphic designer (@martha.lianou004), Foteini Vamvakousi- copywriter (@fayvam), Myrto Androulidaki- website & social media manager (@mirtoandroulidaki), Melina Kourtidi- PR manager (@melinakourtidi). As a team we saw the potential of young people who are taking a step into the business world and we envision them as the “new wave” that can bring the “tsunami” to the local and international market, with their creative and innovative ideas. We saw in them the change that they can bring to our society and our mission was to help them be seen worldwide.

The values, concerning our work and personal ethic, are striving for excellence, integrity, sustainability and persistence.

New Wave x CALM x Mila Mou

Our first task as a startup agency was to analyze the Cannes Lions Campaign named “Last Photo”, which was a suicide prevention campaign designed by “Adam & Evebd” and “CALM”. After that we were asked to present our own suicide prevention campaign targeted to the greek society, so we combined the british NGO “CALM” and the greek NGO “Μίλα Μου” to organize an event in “Stavros Niarchos about mental health, which we promoted through our social media and posters. This event would be dedicated to the depression phenomenon that appears in the 20–30 year olds that are confused about their future, their career, their identity, while also being suppressed by their parents and their circle’s expectations. For the execution of it, we would collaborate with psychologists that would make speeches. This event would also take place on social media so that the youth worldwide could take part in it.

New Wave x Novibet

The next step of our agency was to prepare the PR plan for the betting company “Novibet”, which celebrates in 2025 its 15th year anniversary. Our mission was to promote a more humane aspect of the company. We suggested a plan entirely focused on the greek society, which faces a huge unemployment crisis. While having that in mind we presented a plan where “Novibet” would give the opportunity to these people to develop their skills and start a career by providing free educational seminars.

New Wave x Auraskin

Our latest project consists of a collaboration with Auraskin, a start-up skin care product company that firmly believes beauty products can be both high quality and environmentally friendly, while also being affordable for younger generations. Auraskin is collaborating with coffee stores and uses the residues of the coffee beans to create skin care products. Their environmentally friendly approach and the relatively low price of its products align perfectly with the values of our company.

So, we reached out to the CEO of the company and requested a collaboration with them. We figured that since the company has only been up and working for two months, it needs a well-organized marketing plan so that awareness will be raised of the brand and its products, as well as expansion of the client base and market penetration will be achieved.

Knowing our client and its audience

To begin with, we started off our marketing campaign by making clear the identity of the customers of Auraskin. We did some speculations based on our prior experience in the marketing field. We made a proto persona that consisted of the following elements: However, after having a zoom call with the CEO of the company, we were informed that auraskin address its products to the youth (the gen z). So with this valuable information we conducted 10 interviews with the gen z audience, as well as a survey. In that way we tried to get information on the habits of participants in taking care of the skin (for example: “do you use skin care products, if so, how often, with 3 different options”, “what are the most important benefits of a skin care products and we gave them some options, as well as, where they usually buy the products, online or in stores). We also asked them some personal questions, based on their lifestyle, their hobbies, their educational level, work status etc.

We then upgraded our proto persona into the final persona. Some key differences between the two were primarily the age. We thought at first that the target customers were mostly in the age gap of 25–35. However that was surely not the case, as the CEO noted. Secondly, another difference is spotted in the reasons why a person will choose a skin care product. We thought that the number one motive of buying products from a skincare company like auraskin would be the eco friendly approach on skin care, nevertheless, gen z respondents prioritised their need of finding a company that ensures a healthy skin and no irritations, as well as reliability. So we concluded that what they need is products to be biological (55,8%), smooth on the skin (62.8%) skin care products from a reliable company (51,2%), that do not irritate the skin.

With a clear image of the client base, we then proceeded to figure out which are the stakeholders that influence our marketing campaign. We figured that we want to keep satisfied our current customers and our investors we need to manage closely social media and prospective customers and monitor our competitors, because by observing them we can get valuable information on the market and on ther input in it.

Our Strategy

Following that, we defined the strategy. What we want is to engage with our existing client base, while attracting new customers, by raising awareness for the brand through social media in appealing and entertaining ways. We will concentrate in the platforms of tiktok and instagram, because it is the most preferred by the gen z and thus they will engage with our content there. We then made clear our strategic pillars. The first one is innovation and effectiveness: We clearly communicate how the use of coffee residues benefits the skin (so that we can cover the needs of our persona). Second one is digital and social media presence. Thirst is community building. We aim to create and nurture online communities where both customers and employees will share tips, experiences and feedback, so that we can get moore reliability as a company, which was requested by the respondents. Forth is health & wellness: through our advertising campagin we want to share with the world the importance of taking care of the skin as a means of self-care and love. Last pillar is affordability without reduction in the quality because we want our customers to benefit from high quality products while at the same time to be able to afford them, in logical prices specifically aimed for gen z.

Key Messages of our campaign

Following that we wrote down our key messages of the campaign. (promote, perform an act of self love by nurturing your skin, benefit from the antixiodiant and moistruzing effects of coffee on the skin, adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, buy cruelty free & dermatologically tested products)

What were the tactics for our campaign?

After defining all the above, we continued with the tactics. We decided that we will organise three main actions. The first one will be beach stand where we will be disseminating free samples of the lip balm and the sunscreen , we think that it is the perfect time now that its the summer season, while the promoters will give insight to the peoplel for the 3 most important benefits and ingredients of our products. The second action is a blindfold game that will take place in Ermou Street once a week, where people will try our products on their skin with a blindfold on their eyes and they will say how it feels on the skin (we think its interesting and that it will have more honest reactions because the sense of touch and smell will be elevated if sight is limited) A videographer will take videos of that game and then they will be posted on our TikTok and Instagram platforms every 3 days. The third one is the partnership r with influencers who are struggling with acne because we want our audience to be able to feel seen and relate with the influencers. They will do get ready with me videos using our products, while also holding a cup of coffee, so that in the audience mind, there will be a combination of coffee and skin care.

We categorized each of the actions in a timeline of 9 months, in 3 triministers each and we defined the KPIs of the actions. In the first trimester we’ll realize the beach stands, in order to raise awareness of the brand (KPI: 250 samples disseminated per day (22.500 in 3 months) In the second trimester, with the aim of boosting engagement, we’ll do the tik tok video in Ermou street (KPI: — social media platform follower will reach more than 1000 and approximately we’ll get 1800 website clicks). In the last months the get ready with me while also keeping up with the blindfold game in Ermou In the last months, we will cause website traffic and elevate conversation rate by keeping up with the blindfold game and the tiktok videos, while also collaborating with the influencers who will do the get ready with me videos (KPI: -social media followers will increase by 60% -2000 website visitors).

Finally, we came up with the motto “glow responsibly with aura skin”, because we believe that it summarizes the two main subjects of the company, skin care and the environment.

Find us on socials:


Instagram: @newave_adagency


Tik Tok :

