
Once upon a time, Vlasia, Maritina, Alkistis, Rafaela, Sandy and Anna were created a team that was called ‘’The suspicious minds’’. This team was created at the course AD and PR Lab at the Panteion University. In this beautiful place we tried to learn a lot of things about the field of marketing and advertising. In this journey, we were very lucky, because we had as fellow travellers people with experience, knowledge and willingness to offer to us supplies for the future. So, we want to thank them for their contribution. One of them was Diana Birba, Marketing Manager at Coca-Cola in Greece, Cyprus and Malta, who taught us special advice about marketing and the skills that we need to acquire, with the view to succeeding. Moreover, Mark Aris, co-creator of the 4WISE Monkeys Boutique Creative Agency, transferred to us the W.I.S.E. methodology that will help us to understand how to make advertisements. Let’s talk about that…

W (wow): How can an ad impress and engage the consumer.

I (insightful):How can this ad be based in the reality of consumers.

S (strategically relevant):How can the concept of the ad depict the main aim of the brand.

E (easy to understand):How can the consumer understand easily the scenario and the purpose.

The advertisement that we imagine consists of two scenes. At the first scene, an old lady was sitting on her living room and she was watching TV. Suddenly, she sees her grandson doing bungee jumping only in his underwear. Then, she takes a jacket and she goes to find him. In order to give him his jacket, she does bungee jumping with her grandson and they both drink a Fanta while being mid-air. At the second scene, the same old lady cross the street when she hears a performer from a heavy metal concert shouting to his fans ‘’Wow man! I’m so thirsty!’’ The old lady runs towards him, climbs on the stage and offers him a Fanta. The singer drinks the Fanta and after that the old lady begins to dance like there’s no tomorrow! This ad has the WISE methodology and here are the reasons.

Wow: Because an elderly woman doing bungee jumping and frantically dancing in a heavy metal concert, surrounded by teenagers.

Insightful: Every Greek mom’s worries is to always get a jacket to their kids in order to not get cold, always provide them with food, let alone what a grandmother would do to take the best care of her grandchildren and every teen in general.

Strategically relevant: It is addressed to both young and old people( Fanta’s target group) and all the scenes are full of young spark and energy( Fanta’s brand positioning)

Easy to understand: Every Greek person knows the typical and well-known Greek mom or grandma who chases him around with a jacket.

Our team:

Alkistis Joan, Kyriaki Kyriakoggona, Maritina Filiou, Rafaela Panayiotou, ANNA LAMPROU, Vlasia Manteska

Betty Tsakarestou

Diana Birba

