“Our interviews with Lacta’s consumers”

Still, from our interview video

For our second project we were asked to take interviews of someone who works for Lacta and also talk with Lacta’s consumers.

Whereas, Lacta is a big brand with great marketing and public relations policy we were unable to talk with somebody that works there, because they didn’t answer to our message.

So, we decided to talk with three different consumers (two boys, one girl) and ask them the same questions about Lacta.

We were really impressed with their answers, mostly because they are different from each-other.

In the video below you can see what they answered to our questions.

So here are the questions we asked, followed by the answers we gathered.

  • How did you get to know Lacta?

Since i was in my mum’s belly.

Via advertisements on television.

  • When was the first time you ate Lacta? Did you like it?

When i was a kid. And i liked it.

Some years ago. I liked it, it was sweeter than i expected but it was okay.

I was probably very young so i don’t remember because i have always been eating it. I liked it very much and this is why i am still eating it.

  • What is your opinion about their commercials?

I don’t watch TV and i block every add so i don’t know anything about their ads.

They are innovative and well-directed.

I find them smart because they take advantage of current issues around the globe. I think that they are trying to be modern. And this is why people like them.

  • Did you decide to choose Lacta after seeing their advertisements?

I don’t know their advertisements but i am sure they are doing a good job.

To tell you the truth no, because i am not easily influenced by it.

No, i tried it first and then i just saw the advertisements.

  • What is your opinion about Lacta’s idea (gender and love equality)?

Love is okay but i am not so sure about the equality between sexes. I don’t support it.

I think it is a message that has to be spread.

I am very supportive of the cause, but i think it has caused much controversy which is what they were opting for. I think it has been very beneficial for the company and it is a big smart marketing move.

  • Is Lacta your first choice when it comes to chocolate. Why, why not?

Yes, because it’s connected with good memories. So when i see Lacta i know it’s good.

No, because it’s a bit more sweet for my taste. But it’s always the second or the first choice.

Yes, mainly because i’m used to it. For me and for most Greeks it’s the most famous Greek chocolate.

  • What difference to you find between Lacta and other brands?

Usually i don’t try other chocolates in Greece. I like Lacta.

I think that Lacta is more commercially advanced and well-developed. But other than that i think all chocolates are similar.

Tastewise, Lacta is definitely sweeter and more milky in comparison to other chocolates. The distinctive part of it it’s the red packaging that catches your eye and you are used to seeing it everywhere.

  • What do you think Lacta is not doing well enough?

I think they have a really good brand. They should keep the red color.

The only thing i can find is the problem that i mentioned before about the taste. It’s a bit more sweet for me.

I don’t think they are missing out on something. I think they have made a name for themselves and it’s a classic one in Greece.

By analyzing the answers we understood that Lacta is a very famous chocolate brand and the consumers have been eating it for many years.

2 out of 3 interviewees believe that Lacta’s advertisements are innovative and smart and also support the “love and gender equality” cause of them.

Furthermore, 2 out of 3 interviewees say that Lacta is their first choice when it comes to chocolate. These two people also give emphasis to Lacta’s red packaging.

All agreed that Lacta’s brand is good and they can’t find anything that Lacta has to change (except from it’s taste being very sweet).

