Our journey on the lab “apps, codes and games”

One of the labs we took part in was the “Apps, codes and games lab”. It has been an interesting journey colored with many workshops and tasks that kept us inspired and ready to create.

The one about Plaka

Our first workshop was to make a video solely using our mobile and its apps. The concept was the area of Plaka where our lab sessions take place. We started filming the way we usually follow when we go to or leave from the lab, put together the videos, adjusted the lighting into a more atmospheric one and kept the sound low but natural. The final result was representative of our perspective of Plaka and we got kudos from our fellow students and our professor.

The one about the perspectives

Another workshop was to shoot videos from different perspectives and to edit them in one again using only mobile and its apps. We gathered in the room of the radio station which inspired us for our concept: to film a radio producer’s work. We took videos of different perspectives (facing front, back, side, top and a panoramic view), put them together in one and edited the film using i-movie. Then, we added music to the video in order to get a more fun result. The final video turned out very well in quality and fun to watch. Again, we got great feedback.

The one about Ad and Pr lab

Another task we were given was to describe with a video the meaning of the lab to us. We decided to go minimal: each one of us proposed a word that comes to mind when thinking of the lab. We wrote them down on paper and put Pharrell’s “Happy” song because it matches our mood during the lab sessions.

The one with the UX

The third task was the User Experience (UX) Design. UX is a concept that has many dimensions. It includes interaction design, information architecture, visual design, usability and human- computer interaction. Basically, UX tries to make costumers experience easier when using a service.

As the experts told us: ‘Every site or app despite its size or popularity has definitely some flaws’. This phrase helped us with the assignment that we were given for the upcoming week. We had to analyse an app or site to its core and find the flaws and suggest solutions. We chose Lime app. At a first look Lime was a well-working app but after searching and testing we found some flaws. We chose three basic tasks and viewed them from a user’s perspective. We had some of the team’s members that had never used Lime to do the tasks and then thoroughly checked the app.

All in all, we received positive feedback from the experts, we learned something new and this class was an enlightenment because we started noticing dysfunctions of sites or apps that in the past we would never see.

The one with our app

Another task we were given was the creation of an app of our innovation brand using proto.io. This platform allows you to design an app and has a variety of buttons, actions and features to add so that it looks like a real app.

First, we had a session in which we were shown how to use this platform in order to have the best result. As an example, we made a food app. Luckily our innovation brand is also about food so we got very inspired and challenged by the example we were given. Then, we played with the platform and got familiar with what it offers. Finally, we started building our own app. We chose a color palette that is similar to our brand’s logo. We made around so screens that broadcast the experience from start to finish.

Our app turned out cohesive to our brand’s style which was our goal. We believe that an app similar to our prototype would be very fun and easy to use by a user.

The one with the website

Another task was to create our own website for our innovation brand. We would use the platform of WordPress to bring it to life. We chose to go with our initial presentation’s style: minimal but fun. We tried to create a professional result by building a website that we believe could function as any other professional site.

The one with design thinking

Our last project was to evaluate the lab following a specific module, the Design Thinking Method using openideo.

Firstly, we understood our top learnings: classroom needs, our goals and needs, the lab has been a great experience and it challenged us to think further more.We came up with the idea of creating an innovative version: the creation of video-recorded lectures with subtitles for students who work, live abroad or have physical problems. Other recommendations were a productive university environment, an app, educational based actions outside of the classroom, workshops with practical projects and a specialized online platform-similar to google slides.

Our final step was to prototype and test our idea. First, we checked by sort, personal interviews that our colleagues were in favor of an app and online platform. Then, we valued bringing it to life: we decided for funds or to internships to students to help us create our app and online platform. Moreover, we thought of creating fuss on social media about this innovation and record the feedback. Lastly, we reviewed whether it was innovative: we found out that there is no Greek university in Greece offers such opportunities.

Final thoughts

This semester has been an amazing journey filled with unique experiences and educational activities. It has filled us with inspiration and excitement to move on the next semesters. We gained much from the “Apps, codes and games” lab: how to make videos with a phone, website and app designing, UX evaluation. But most importantly, we gained knowledge and inspiration that will accompany us throughout our university and professional journeys.

Our team:

Spiros Avgoustis

Marina Chatz

andriana kp



Panagiotis Tserra

@Katerina Filaktou

Our professors: Betty Tsakarestou, Dr. Stavros Kaperonis

