Our New Site ‘’ The Hungry Traveller ‘’.

During, our a lesson that we attended in University, which is called ‘’ Digital Creativity: Apps, Games and Coding’’, by miss Betty Tsakarestou and Mister Dr. Stavros Kaperonis ,we had to create a site with the assistance of the @Wordpress tools, in order to learn practically on how to use digital media and constructing correctly the structure of a site that can be very useful in our career in the future. Our team, which is consisted of me and other 3 members aggeliki iwannou, Thomi Galani and Kleidi Lika, decided to create ‘’ The Hungry Traveler’’ site. The purpose of our site, is to combine our love for food and traveling and add some traditional dishes and recipies from all over the world (from Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, South America and Africa) and at the same time, suggest the most breath-taking landmarks worldwide. This idea, came out, because of the urgent need to bring different cultures even closer and eliminate the boarders between people with unsimilar nation. We strongly believe, that food and travelling are common habits and those two elements can unite the world and promote the mutual respect and understanding, especially in this time, where the refugee matter is on!

Our site, is consisted, of the Home page, in which we explain the major cause of our site and we have included in all the latest news and posts that we have made. In our menu, visitors can choose the ‘’Tasty Journeys’’ Category, in order to discover delicious dishes from all over the world. By clicking into this specific category, he/she can choose a subcategory of the continent that the visitor is intrested in. With the exactly same way works, the next category that we have added, which is called ‘’Landmarks’’. Our next page, is called ‘’Recipes’’. Here, we have posted various recipes from many cooking sites and books that we have found and of course, we give credits to them. The other page, is named ‘’Share your Story’’. In this page, we have added a forum and we encourage the visitors, to express their own experiences and ideas, in order to give us their feedback and get some ideas about our next articles and themes. In the next page, which is the ‘’About Us’’, we have collected information about us and our motivation. Our last page, provides a contact form, in which visitors can reach us. We have also, added social icons, that will directly drive you to our social media pages, that are under construction. We have also constructed a video, that we are about to promote in our social media pages, that shows the purpose of our site. You can find it in our home page on social media archive!

Here is our site! Check it out!



Maria Gougi

Studying Communication, Media and Culture in Panteion University in Athens, Greece.