
Our start up ‘’ If I were in your shoes’’.

Continuing our idea, based on the model of OpenIDEO, we created a User Experience Map, as it is proposed to OpenIDEO , about the type of our ideal user, in order to organize our idea. In this ‘’user journey’’, as it is called, we visualized the experience that a user of our blog might have with our idea.So, we sketched our user and the stages of the journey that our user is about to pass and hopefully every user of our blog will be able too.

By sketching a simple drawing, that everyone could see the point (it was a woman who was very sad, feeling troubled about how she could raise her kid, as she was facing financial problems and depression) , we tried to show a user, that have been through difficult times! We divided the user’s journey, into 5 categories : 1) AWARENESS, in which we explained how our ideal user would be informed about our idea. We visualized, that our user found out about our new idea, by hearing some people in the bus station talking about our blog and that gave her the idea to give it a shot! The second aspect that we organized our idea related to the Experience Map, was 2) RESEARCH. We visualized and sketched a computer, with which our user would be able to search, find and try out our idea! Our blog’s name is a common phrase, so he thought that everyone will find it easily! We tried to make the acessibilty as easier as we could. The third aspect, was 3) THE DECISION. In this aspect, we visualized our user, who found the courage to write about her personal troubling situation anonymously! 4) THE HELP. In this stage, we visualized that our user took replies from people that were passing through the common problems of fiscal and depression issues. Our user found articles related to her problems too, in the categories of Health and Psychology that we have thought about to create,in order to provide scientific articles that we have found by doing our own researches in scientific sites , encyclopedias, books, etc. , in order to support and give more solutions and help to our users . So, she felt that she was not the only person with those types of difficulties and that she could find help. The last stage that we visualized, was 5) THE SOLUTION, in which we hope that our user in the end will find our idea as a trustworthy and really helpful tool, in order to find solutions, get over his problems and never feel alone again! We visualized, that our user will see the bright side of life again, that she will not give up and that she can find confort and gain strength from our blog and that every time that she feels hopeless and she is too ashamed to talk about her issues to her friends or family, that she won’t hesitate to talk to us! That was the stages that we visualized and sketched with the help of the Experience Map, in order to support our idea.

Here it is a little icon of our scethces and our visualization process.



Maria Gougi

Studying Communication, Media and Culture in Panteion University in Athens, Greece.