

To begin with, I’m glad to take the course “ Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations” this semester. This is a class that teaches us the branding skills of current corporations, advertising strategies and how to establish a brand and develop it well. Unlike other conventional course, this course combines theory with practice. We not only get the theoretic knowledge, more importantly, we know how to use those knowledge in reality.

Andriana, Michelle, Panos, Summer, Niki (from left to right)

In the first class, Betty left time specially for us to communicate with each other and form our team. We got the chance to exchange our thoughts with people from different countries and cultures. That was a unique experience and we got to know the local new friends.

As an International student, I don’t want to be confined to my own small circle. I’d like to make friends from all over the world and collaborate with them.

The First Class

After the first class, Niki, Panos, Andriana, Summer and I decided to team up. We are an international group with both Greek and Chinese students. In the subsequent course practice, we gave full play to the advantages of our international feature. This is really an unprecedented learning experience.

During 13 weeks of studying and working together, we discussed and communicated with each other, I think we accomplished some good tasks. We collaborated well. For me, I learned about some interesting local brand ideas thanks to my teammates. For example, our first assignment was to be a spokesperson for a brand, at first we decided to choose Nike which is an international prestigious brand that we all know, but Panos proposed Lacta.

I didn’t know anything about this brand at the beginning, but after watching its advertisements and knowing its marketing strategies from my teammates, I got a better understanding of local brands and special brand ideas. I like the strategy that Lacta displayed the malicious comments from people who opposed its ideas, which shows its tough determination of supporting equal love and make people love it more. I believe my teammates also learned a lot.

In this portfolio, we have 9 parts in total, which are:

  1. Introduction
  2. Brand Ambassador - Lacta
  3. Lacta Personna
  4. Customers’ Interview
  5. Cannes Awards case study - Hope
  6. Ad Age’s A-List - Droga5
  7. Our own advertising company - Comedia
  8. Our first customer - Aquabooks
  9. Epilogue

We seriously completed every assignment and attended the Conference about Tech-enabled Creativity, hoping to get more knowledge and experience about Advertising and Public Relations. In the process of our coorperation, I can feel the advantages of our team members in different aspects, I think the Greek students are more creative than me, especially when we thought about the ads creativity, they have more interesting ideas. In a nutshell, we learned from each other and we have good communication both online and offline.

We hope you enjoy the following articles and works and give us your comments and suggestions. Even though our class was over, our study still went on.

Thank you very much.

Betty Tsakarestou

Panagiotis Tserra

Niki Ar

Summer Zhang

andriana kp

Michelle Lin

