P&G x My Black Is Beautiful | The Talk

The conversations we have but don’t want to…that’s ‘The Talk.’

“The Talk”, originally released in July 2017, is a 2-minute film that rawly illustrates the conversations black parents have to have with their children in order to prepare them for the racial bias they are likely to experience throughout their lives. P&G and BBDO New York advertising agency delivered one of the most evocative statements on racial discrimination with this short-but-sweet TV spot, emphasizing the difficulties and dangers of growing up with a darker complexion in the United States.

The brand created the ad not as a political statement but as a reflection of real life. After all, these are conversations that black families have been having for decades. The purpose of this TV commercial was to promote the conversations about bias beyond the black community and inspire a world with equal voices and equal opportunities for education and success.

The attention to detail is remarkable and the emotions — from fear to pride — come through crystal clear.

While “The Talk” focuses on bias from the viewpoint of an African American mother, bias can take many shapes and forms, including gender, race, age, weight, sexual orientation, and more. Since the initial release of “The Talk” in July 2017, My Black Is Beautiful has continued to use the platform and draw attention to concerns and hazards that the black community has to face, through online discussion and a partnership with the United Negro College Fund’s Empower Me Tour — a national series of events created to motivate students toward academic excellence, career success and personal responsibility. P&G also hosted community conversations in partnership with the Greater Cincinnati Association of Black Journalists, the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center and the City of Cincinnati Human Relations Commission with a group of diverse community leaders in an effort to inform and promote the need for equality.

“The Talk” can be viewed at www.myblackisbeautiful.com and all of us are encouraged to join the discussion by using the hashtag #TalkAboutBias.

More info on My Black is Beautiful

My Black is Beautiful is a community-building program consisting of more than 3 million members, created to change the conversation around the black community by addressing the societal and cultural stigmas associated with self-image. Formed at Procter & Gamble in 2006 by a group of visionary women, MBIB was designed to spark a broader dialogue about black beauty.

Our team (Market Rangers): Laoura Apostolou, Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Marilyn Koutonias, Christina Panagakou, Eleni Protopapa, miketrigkas, Marios Joseph

⇋ Special thanks to Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou & Lina Kiriakou

