A creative campaign designed for #TheArtOfStorytellingLab vertical of #ADandPRLAB, at Panteion University, assigned by Eric Parks and Giannis Sorotos, under the supervision of Betty Tsakarestou, Head of #ADandPRLAB.

Entering the last year of our studies in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture in Panteion University we had the opportunity to face a real life project through Advertising and Public Relations Laboratory. This semester gave us the chance to create a 360 campaign about investing different and creative ways to promote the new IoT- smart products that Pitsos will soon be launching for 2018. It was a great experience creating a holistic campaign and benefits that we obtained were very important for us.

After a long consideration we ended up to built our campaign on the famous School of Athens, which is one of the most famous frescoes by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael. The subject of the “School” is actually “Philosophy,” or at least ancient Greek philosophy. Indeed, Plato and Aristotle appear to be the central figures in the scene. We chose to use “School of Athens” because it is a paint that rejects the past and defines the start of science. Actually, we believe that the new devices of Pitsos are going to reject anything existing in the past and will open a new age.

Our core campaign message “IF IT WAS PITSOS”
is calling you to compare subconsciously whichever other house holding device with the new series of smart devices of Pitsos. Any reference to the core message ends up to the following message “THAT IS PITSOS AND IT IS SMART”. We chose to support our campaign by creating material for TVC, DIGITAL, SOCIAL MEDIA, OOH, EVENT.






Supervisors: Betty Tsakarestou, Dimitra Iordanoglou

The team: Anastasia Zapadioti, Vasilis Plegas, Margaret Georgiadou, Izabella Kefala, Fotini Panavou

