During the sessions of the “Creativity,Public Relations and the Art of Storytelling Lab’’, we were assigned by our instructors Eric Parks and Giannis Sorotos, to create a campaign, based to the brief that mister @GiannisZafeiris presented to us. Our team, which is called “Infinitum’’ and it is consisted of me, aggeliki iwannou, Thomi Galani and Kleidi Lika, came up with some ideas for this cause.

The first idea, was to create 3 interrelated TV Spots, in which the protagonists, will be a family,consisted of the two parents, one son and two sisters with 5 year old difference between them. All those TV Stories, serves our main slogan “Now you can be pitsi pitsi with your cell-phone’’ and it adjusts every time with the scenario of every spot. More specifically, the first Spot, presents the two sisters, whose one is out of home and messages all the time with her mobile and the other one is at home and like the most of us, she is craving a sweet meal late at night! In the video, it is shown the capabilities that the PITSOS fridge has, as it takes a picture of the thief of the delicious cheescake and the alert that the bigger sister takes from the app. So, the big sister by using the phone, she can order new ingredients for the cake and charge the smaller sister.

“Now you have an extra reason to be pitsi pitsi with the mobile phone’’

The second TV Spot, shows the relationship between the parents of this family. The mother, is very busy, as she has multiple roles to deal with. The father, wants to thank her for every convinience she offers to the family and as he decides to buy PITSOS IOT devices in home, which will make her life easier. He is pitsi pitsi with the phone and he likes the idea of using the technology that he always grumbling his children for constantly being with their mobile phone and sets secretly the devices to do all the work for them and suprise her with a warm meal.

“Now dad is pitsi pitsi with the mobile phone too”

The third TV Spot, shows the couple again, in which the man tries to surprise his wife and create a wonderful meal for her, as he can’t surprise her anymore with the Chinese he used to order secretly when she was at work. The man is often pitsi pitsi with the phone, but how bad is that when she knows that it is for her own good? Problem Solved! No suspicious, he is just sets with his mobile the oven and take ideas for making her the best recipe that she will ever taste!

“Now you can be pitsi pist with the mobile phone without suspicions”

The second idea that we came up with, was to construct a DIGITAL CAMPAIGN #PIoTSOS, in which we created humoristic messages between the costumer and his/her beloved PITSOS home devices.

The other idea, was based on creating two outdoor images, that show how succesfully and easily PITSOS with the assistance of IOT, can solve your ‘’messy’’ problems.

After that, we also designed a banner, that would pass directly the message to the possible costumers, that with just a click, as we mentioned in the outdoor pictures too, they can use automatically their PITSOS devices, without being even at home and motivates them to visit the Official Site of Pitsos, to learn more about it!

Our next step, was to create a little Spot, that could be played on Social Media and shows a short procedure of setting a PITSOS oven, while you are away of home, but you’ve got a table connected on the Internet!

Our last idea, was to make good us of the convention hall of PITSOS company and with this way, possible costumers, will be able to try out the PITSOS IOT devices and be informed about the benefits they have to offer. They will also, will have the ability to taste well-cooked meals, by those clever decvices.

The journey, that our team made on this Lab, was very usefull and we learned intrested things, that helped as think a little bit different, more colorful and out of the ordinary. It was a great experience, we did brainstorming all together as a team and that was actually a fun part, no matter how difficult it might be at the beggining. The main lesson, we all can become more creative and it would be a profit too.



Maria Gougi

Studying Communication, Media and Culture in Panteion University in Athens, Greece.