Project Reebok

The team ‘’Mark The Future’’

We were called to draft a dynamic digital communication strategy for the release of the new product of Reebok. The process was mainly focused on insights, and digital trends. The new product that we were to promote, was called the “Classic Leather Legacy”. A vintage shoe set to bring a nostalgic feeling to the public. What we want to communicate are some key points about a high-end all time classic unisex product which provides comfort and premium material quality to its owner. We want to point out the nostalgic, youthful but mature, vintage but modern character of the product.

In order to attain a deeper understanding of the market, we conducted a qualitative research from which we learned about the consumers’ habits and how social media and TV influence their decisions. During the Covid-19 period, YouTube screen time skyrocketed and most companies decided to transition their activities and events into the digital world in order to retain engagement with their audience. Due to the pandemic, many physical stores were forced to close. As a result, more and more consumers are turning into eshops to complete their purchases.

We decided to divide our communication strategy into two periods, pre-launch (last week of August-duration of 2 weeks) and launch (second week of September), in order to create anticipation before the product is revealed to the masses. The pre-launch period starts by creating Reebok Greece pages on social media and dropping a series of teasers for the shoe followed by the slogan ‘’Something old is coming’’. Digital tools such as special instagram filters will be used, while also a social media contest will be held, the winners of which will get to participate in our campaigns photoshoot. Additional press kits will be sent to our brand ambassadors, native articles will be published and digital ads will be shown. In general, the promotions for the pre-launch period will be solely focused on the digital world.

The campaign’s character remains nostalgic throughout the launch period while the communication strategy will be enriched with promotion activities on mass media, outdoors, stickers and leaflets with QR codes, physical and digital events, web banners and newsletters. The official photoshooting with our selected influencers will take place during the first days of the launch, as well as backstage content that will be later published on Reebok’s platforms. The preparation of a VR press event for journalists and a VR promo video showcasing the Reebok experience on our YouTube channel will strongly contribute to the whole campaign. Lastly, the publication of native articles will help boost promotion.

Apart from the aforementioned, Reebok will pursue digital partnerships in order to enforce more visibility to the campaign and provide extra content to those who are interested in the product. Those partnerships will include the YouΤube channels of the most known athletic stores in Greece, with content such as reviews, unboxings of the product, interviews, storytimes and challenges with our brand ambassadors.

Regarding influencers, we tried our best to choose a large and diverse group of people, with whom our different customers can identify with easily. We decided to create three categories based on their involvement with the brand. Getting inspired by the popular “Bronze’’, ‘’Silver’’ and ‘’Gold” packages, we decided to name our influencer categories after Reebok’s official colors, ‘’White’’, ‘’Blue’’ and ’’Red’’.

The number of our ‘’White’’ influencers is significant because we wanted to approach a lot of different not only mainstream but also completely alternative personalities. Our ‘’Blue’’ influencers take part in the official campaign. They are national celebrities, singers, dancers, chefs, and YouTube stars ranged from travelers to comedy content creators.
Last but not least, our ‘’Red’’ influencers are our official brand ambassadors. They’re the most important out of the chosen group, they are considered the faces of the campaign and they’ll take part in most of Reebok’s promotional activities. The ‘’Red’’ Influencers are separated in two categories with Eleni Foureira and Iliana Papageorgiou, which are famous globally and have a lot of fans, and Nikos Moutsinas with Evridiki Valavani, who have a daily connection to people through their appearances on greek TV.

All budget provided was used for the media split. Digital investment was our main focus whereas our budget share on mass media was lower than expected since the importance of digital platforms and social media is higher than the latter. A respectable amount also went into the original campaign. However, physical investment was not considered as important -especially during the pandemic- and therefore the budget spent on this category was low.

We also created a customer journey in order to get more insights on how we will approach the campaign.

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences — AD&PR LAB

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou

Coordinator: Lina Kiriakou

Team: Mark The Future

Members: tselepidhs, Ναταλία Γεωργουλοπούλου, Manolis Kritikos, Anastasia Liakou, Konstantina Mountaki, Stavriana Orfanou, Renata Stav

