Remarketing a sex shop

As a team (we are already well-known as Fellowsheep), we try to reach different goals. But there is one (goal) that remains stable. Our unbeatable desire for innovation and creativity. Therefore, we decided not to choose a conventional product or service for analysis. Following strictly our insticts (and our heart), we came up with a totally provocative project. To redefine the marketing strategy of a local sex shop at any cost. And as a consequence to market the unmarketable by launching a number of mesmerizing social campaigns related to common sexual issues.

Front page of our report

Specifically, the content agency “Fellowsheep” aims to deliver a viral education-oriented campaign around the topic of sexual fantasies which will not only create the fundamentals of a judgment free society but also increase the selling potential of our customer’s sex shop “Venus”. It is commonly known that a lot of attempts have been made in the past with the scope of raising consciousness around the topic of sexual expression. However, Fellowsheep’s campaign is a science based effort which takes into account the dynamics of modern society and combines them with studies from psychology and sociology.

Second page of our report
Instagram post (right), instagram poster (left)

One of the many things that define us as a sex shop is our need to stay in touch with our costumers and listen carefully to their opinion and their complaints, if there are any. In order to do so, we created an instagram account where our main goal was to make clear that we respect diversity and our products are suitable for any gender! That’s why in the first post, which is also an invitation to our account, it is shown by the symbols that everyone is welcomed. In the second post we aimed to the reasons why someone should visit our shop. These reasons include first of all a great variety of products (more that 7000) for any taste. Moreover, these products are tailor maid to today’s needs and finally they are also easy to access by ordering them online.

Facebook poster

Why would you put cherries?

There is no clear answer when people ask why the cherry emoji is used as an erotic symbol (maybe of male or female genitalia). Maybe it has something to do with the color or it was in an Instagram post of a celebrity and everyone followed it. However what we do know as Fellowsheep is that some colors tend to excite us more than others or just give us a brain signal that what we are about to read is naughty. Thus the red background, the red lipstick, red cherries and a widespread psychoanalytical quote from Sigmund Freud about sexual fantasy.

Head of marketing class: Dr. Stavros Kaperonis Betty Tsakarestou Betty Tsakarestou

Team members: Nick Noulas Ηλίας Αλεξανδρής Loukia Tsiota Panagiotis Yiagkou

