
Ride card

Ridecard is a product, it’s a card which you can buy from our website and you can go on a Euro trip by train in the countries that are included in our list. The clients can choose from 9 countries or more in each trip and pay a specific amount of money. In the price the train tickets are included together with accommodation in hostels and discounts in the entrance fees of some sights, museums, galleries and shops. In order for our clients to have discounts , they have to book their ride card when we announce offers in our facebook and instagram. Only the clients who observe the deadlines of the booking, take the offers and discounts for their trip.
Also, we give the possibility to our clients who visit the countries to share their happiness with us and send us a photo with the place that they have visited in order to post it on social media. Clients who want information can ask whatever they want. In this way, ridecard attracts many clients from the photos that we post in facebook, twitter and instagram. Under certain conditions, we want to offer our best to our clients with affordable prices !

Founders of this project for a lesson of AdandPRLab is Stefi stampoulian pkarvounidou D_avgerh. Follow us on Facebook , Instagram

