SAMI Company

A start-up Media Agency

As the time came by and we handed over some paperwork, our moment has come. It’s time to think, create and be prodactive. Our task was to create a brand new agency and to find our company’s goals, strategy and of course the recruitment. Our inspiration was to create an agency, called SAMI Corporations. SAMI comes from our initials. S for Stella, our creative manager, A for Angelina, the public relationships manager, M for Maria, the human resources manager and finally, I for Ifigeneia, our social media manager.

What about us? We are a marketing agency which is responsible for improving the already existing brands and promoting new ideas of start-up and big companies. We have a wide variety of ways to succeed, but the main way is by using social media. After all, “Advertising is the principle of mass communication applied to selling”, as John T. Dorrance said. Our agency headquarters are in Athens and we co-operate with other marketing companies from abroad in Rome, London and Madrid but we believe that SAMI will expand its work much further.

So, now let’s talk about our vision. At first, our goal is to be creative and innovative, to bring something new to the market, something worth saying. We envision to make strong bonds with both big and small companies, empowering and promoting their ideas and products in order to take them to the next level. Our wish is to help these companies to enter the market place step by step, while targeting their expansion abroad.

Values are very important for us. We have the principle of respecting because in every effort, small or bigger, without respecting your colleagues, no right thing will be built in a strong foundation. Also, we try to promote social responsibility with our work and to be conciliatory in order to understand what does the client need to consume or see. Furthermore, our priority is to ensure that our employees will feel comfortable in order to work better and properly. So, we try to make a friendly office environment.

As mentioned before, our goal as an enterprise is to give prominence to brands with creative substance and to promote them in the best possible way. The World Wide Web is our ally and key assistant in this effort as we use social media to promote online advertising. We try, however, to have access to all areas that can provide us with a little more advertising, so we can work with billboards and posters as well. We also organize various events for our customers and the purchasing audience to get to know us. But how people could know about the companies or the events we organize? A well made website is here for you, so we’ll have the ability to keep you updated at any moment. There, you can post your questions, or critics and we’ll try to correct any possible error or complaint. This interactive way will enable us to communicate with customers and learn what they want to see or use. Our actions will then be proportional to the answers of the public.

A journey of competition, dreams, goals and advertising begins. Do want to join us?

Ifigeneia Antonopoulou Maria Megalokonomou Stella M. Betty Tsakarestou

Our Power Point of our Advertising Company:

