How many accidents have been caused by excessive speed under the influence of alcohol or distraction due to the mobile at the time of driving?

Unfortunately too many!!!!!

Even if the majority of people admit that they use their phones while driving, and given that, they put in danger their lives and the lives of the other drivers, they keep up doing it. Especially, the 54% continues to use their phones while driving. BE CAREFUL TO THE ROAD NOT TO YOUR PHONE. A message for a better world.

Τhe first commercial starts with a couple of friends in a bar celebrating their friend’s birthday. We see clearly the joy in their faces they dance they hug and in general the protagonist has his friends and his girlfriend on his side as he spends his birthday . BUT….. in a moment everything might change. What happens when the protagonist loses control of his car under the influence of alcohol? Endlessly and unjustly his friends die and in the midst of a moment he loses everything.

This ad shows that the most important thing is NOT to drink when we drive because under the influence of alcohol the worst can happen. Is it worthwhile to lose your life or to be deprived of someone else because you are lost control of your car due to excessive drinking? The answer is no. Do NOT drink while driving. The worst will be prevented.

In the second advert a family is heading down to a destination. The family is going through beautiful moments, the kids are laughing, the parents look happy and everything goes well. But what happens when the father’s attention is distracted from the road because his cellphone is ringing? The WRONG move is to pick it up. Within a moment he loses his wife and children. A moment that will stigmatize him for everything. In order to prevent this from happening, we do not pick up the phone while driving because our attention is distracted and we put ourselves and our loved ones at risk because we will have caused an accident.

So what happens when we do not drink when we drive and when we do not pick up the phone to distract our attention? We save lives and ours.

The strategy of these two advertisements aims to awaken our logic. Through real events and the enormous number of accidents that occur everyday, trying to get us into safe driving. When we get gasoline we should drive safely and be cautious, because as drivers we bear the responsibility both for our life and for the lives of our passengers.

In this particular way the shell company awakens te current drivers to change their way of thinking. These advertisements received very good comments as they were considered by the viewers to be a very smart project for the drivers to understand that a mistake is worth the loss of life. The “Shell” company wanted to use the logic of its people and customers that potential mistakes would lead to future sad events that if there was attention they would not happen. So stratigically they target at the feelings of viewers. How would they feel to be in the position of these people who are experiencing the consequences of their mistakes? Clearly no one wants to lose his loved ones by mistake.


Some of the comments from the viewers were:

— Creepy but wakes you up. Very good project from SHELL

— Congratulations to the company for this advertising, which I hope will be a reason for many drivers to change their way of thinking and driving.

— Congratulations on this great advertisement. I hope many drivers will see it and become more aware of the issue of “mobile while driving”

— I am proud to be your customer. Well there is constant boasting and on the mainstream radio, in the morning. I hope you continue this for years, thank you.


Shell company translates a different meaning from its earlier advertisements that their gasoline has the best performance for its customers and affects a more important social issue … the deaths caused by distraction and by the influence of alcohol. It doesn’t matter how good the gasoline of a car is because the DRIVER is the one who has the CHOICE to be safe and his passengers OR cause the worst posision noone wants to be part of. In contrast with its older ads, Shell promotes a meaningful message in order to address especially to teenagers and alcohol. Nowadays, the accidents have been numerous, so there is an urgent need to protect the new generation. The older ads of Shell had as a purpose to introduce the “Shell V-power” and its abilities. They advertise its capability on the road, the speed and the safety of the engine. Another ad of Shell presents that 90 years now, Shell accompanies Greeks at every travel. Shell represents the safe journey, its stamina and special experiences. For all the reasons above, Greeks prefer and trust Shell to accompany them on the road. In the opposite, the ads of 2017 are something different and they affect people’s emotions.

Is it right to so cruelly lose our children or loved ones; NO…..So we do not make mistakes we regret later, but we can not do anything to change them.!

Why lose everything by mistake?It's better to use sense and logic above all in order to avoid to "kill" hope for love, hope for happiness, hope to LIVE!

