“SoB🐝easy’s perspective on advertising from a Digital Media Standpoint”

Based on an assignment targeted toward the Digital Media of a brand within the Greek market, we were given the task to state our opinions on the current state of Digital Media as Gen Z youth.

To give a well-rounded and thought-out opinion, we delved into a wide variety of sources provided on the many corners of the Internet and decided to choose “Skag” as our brand of interest, a well-renowned notebook company that has conquered the Greek market with its sustainable products. With the brand in mind, we researched its social media quite meticulously and found out that the brand has attempted to promote on all the popular social media available. But that doesn’t mean that it succeeded in all of them. Quite frankly, the brand managed to gain a significant amount of attention consistently only on Facebook, and that was with an average of around 14 monthly posts during the last 3 months. Social media such as Instagram only gained traction during Easter, where most interactions were from Easter giveaways. The rest of its social media pale in comparison to the attention gained, which is reasonably expected, since in our opinion they were given minimal effort, with many of them left untouched for months (TikTok), and even more than a year (YouTube). This was quite sad to us, as we believe that there is a significant need for improvement to continue to grow in the market.

Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

After doing this research, as Gen Z we finally had a clear answer for how we truly view the current state of social media. With complete honesty, we believe that Instagram and TikTok are the leading platforms for interacting with the world, while other social media such as Facebook and Twitter remain the traditional, more serious toned social media to focus on just delivering a brand’s news to the audience without needing to filter them in a way that boosts interactivity between a brand and its audience. About Instagram, we view it as a platform that works as a bridge that can connect the worlds of brands and their audience and get them to understand each other clearly, whether that is by doing Q&As, polls, giveaways, etc. TikTok, on the other hand, is a much more fun-based social media platform, that allows the targeted audience to enjoy themselves while they enjoy the products of their favorite brands. This is, in our opinion, the ideal way for a brand to organize its social media strategy.

Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

What we just mentioned is the ideal result of a brand’s social media strategy. But how do we get to this point? How do we devise the perfect strategy? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t that simple. However, that didn’t stop us from attempting to figure it out. We decided to break the problem down into 3 strategic pillars. First, we decided to analyze Skag’s social activities and compare them with those of its main competitors, SalkoPaper and TypoTrust, so that we can get the full picture of where they all stand in the market. After evaluating them, we proceeded to set some desirable goals for Skag as a company while maintaining them within a certain target audience. To make sure that there will be a positive outcome we evaluated the many social media that exist and utilized those that will help us promote the most.

We believe that the chances are out there for brands to maximize their potential within this currently growing Digital Media market. The opportunities exist, but not many brands have seriously tried to grasp them, and that is quite upsetting since the world is moving rapidly towards this way of advertising.

  • The SoB🐝easy Team



Marianna Gianniodi

Currently studying Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University - Section: Advertising and PR