Social Issues & Innovation , Corporate Responsibility

During this six months,as we have already mentioned our team “Urban Green” occupied intently with the environmental problems and specifically we tried to give an alternative way of solutions to them.As we said before our main goal was to create an application that will inform all the users about every environmental action and also motivate them to start take action and take care of the planet.In order to have a more functional content and realistic view of our work,we managed after several dissapointments to communicate with a member of an activist organisation.Her name is Katerina and she is a 21 years old volunteer.Katerina was pretty helpfull and answered to all the questions that we made as a form interview.

The questions we made online to her :

  1. What do you know about environmental actions and do you take part to them?

Yes im taking part 3 years now and i am really concerned about environmental actions in fact I consider myself well informed to those issues.I know that there are several organisations that organize reforestations,environmental cleanings and inform people about endangered species.

2. Do you believe that in Greece in comparison with other countries we are less informed about activism?

Yes,but I expected that,while compare to other countries of Europe,in Greece the ecological responsibility has never nourished.It’s an educational affair.Often,civil families seem to ignore ecology and don’t really care about grow an eco-friendly and protective feeling to their kid.As a result of it the kid doesn’t adopt the proper behavior back to the nature and the animals.Furthermore,there is a big lack of briefing from the teachers at schools as they attach importance to other things.It is pretty similar to know how to behave yourself.The teachers at schools are responsible for the most part about how will base the feeling of protection and responsibility to the kids in adult life.Briefly, the activism is not popular to your country because there is no awareness from young age.

3. Do you think that our app/game will motivate you to get involved into environmental actions?

To someone that is already occupied with activism,this app will work as a precious tool for him,because it will help him have all the informations concentrated and also have a community that is interested to ecology.Besides that,I find it really difficult for someone to start showing interest and be active just because he downloaded an app/game.In my opinion, it’s about personal willingness if you want to take care of the planet.

4. What is your opinion about our app generally?

I believe that is a very interesting and innovative initiative,which could be really helpfull and informative to the user.I would definitely downloaded to my phone.

5. What do you like in our app and what not?

To be honest I don’t know what should I answer because I haven’t seen it as a real app yet.Theoretically I could say that it seems easy to use and funny.

6. How do you think that your organisation could support us with an efficient way at the facility of our application?

I think that if you collaborate with my organisation you could be more well known,it would be a good commercial for you and also you would extend your community and your audience.

7. Would you talk with people from your organisation about a future collaboration if that was possible?

Of course,I would talk.I find your idea pretty interesting and I believe that the organisation that I am involved would support your vision practically and theoretically.

This interview was important to us because we took a realistic feedback about our work.Considering the answers that Katerina gave us we came to a conclusion:Our app is an innovative project that would help the activist and -maybe- would have a good collaboration with famous environmental organisations but its content could not attract people who don’t have the willingness to take real action yet.It is a helpfull,easy to use and amusing app/game that could work worldwide but we are not sure if our plan could work here in Greece.As we said before it’s an educational affair to make our planet a better and greener place for us. Elpiniki Primou Panayotis Reppas Konstantina Stigka Christina Koromila Iakobos Vlachos Betty Tsakarestou

