Every team had a speaker,an observer and a person that did the questions.Every role had a specific time.Every team addressed to 2–3 different teams.It was a pleasant and not a time-consuming experience,which allowed to all of us to discover the way that other startups operate.

It is about an application that gives the opportunity for live sessions with psychologist in very low prices in contrast with an appointment to psychologist.So it allows mostly to people,who cannot afford or they are ashamed to make an appointment with a psychologist,in order to deal problems like stress,depression.

In the beginning,there was a little anxiety,but next the experience of pitching was fascinating and the interlocutors were eager to listen to me.

With fast-dating pitching to my peers I learned that the eloquence plays an important role to the promotion of a product.

By responding to questions and feedback I took ideas with a view to correcting any mistakes to my startup.

By asking critical questions and giving feedback to my peer-students every question that I did to the other startup,then I did it to mine too.

As an observer,I understood that the way to describe a startup and the expression from every member of the team are very significant.

This method allowed to me to take a lot of opinions for my startup and also gave me ideas.This that made me impression and I will keep it was the creation of teams that they deal with the same problem,in order to communicate with each other.

Our startup was worthy and it was confirmed by every interlocutor and they said that it was a nice idea.

