Spotify’s “Play this at my funeral” Meme campaign

You have probably seen a couple of times the line “Play this at my funeral” in the comments section of Youtube videos. This line is used when a song is so good that people want it to be (jokingly) at their funeral. For example, just visit your favourite’s song Youtube video, and it’s almost impossible that you won’t find at least one comment like that.

Spotify is used to running cool and innovative user data campaigns (Billboards, posters, etc.), so the funeral reference is no exception. In February 2017, Spotify decided to make fun of users’ playlist once again, in a smart and crafty way. The ad featured Joe Jonas, commenting on how weird it is to have his band’s (DNCE) song “Body Moves” in a playlist named “Play this at my funeral”.

So Spotify took that playlist’s name and showed how weird and awkward it would be to have a catchy, dance song in a real funeral. As the people carry the coffin, music starts playing and they have to dance, cause that’s what the deceased wanted them to do. While it may not be funeral-appropriate, it is a hilarious marketing campaign from the streaming service.

Spotify manages to be sarcastic about their users’ playlists, but also revealing the creativity of their users, and embracing their uniqueness and originality. Spotify always uses its Big Data in a unique way to promote their product, and they do it with great success.

This campaign was taken by internet users who are known for their weird, quirky, and edgy humor, and became a new ridiculously funny meme, featuring Shrek, anime series, Donald Trump, and many more.

Spotify of course, continued this campaign with 2 more videos with Alessia Cara and D.R.A.M commenting on some other weird playlists, and some poster campaigns, commenting on the creativity of their users.

Overachievers: Maria Griva, Maria Kall, Antonis Katsis, Eva Constantinou, Nickos Pan, Thanasis Papadopoulos

Betty Tsakarestou Lina Kiriakou



Thanasis Papadopoulos

MSc in Cultural Management, Communication, and Media. Real human bean, and a real hero.