STAD UP Agency

STAD UP is an innovative and creative advertising start-up agency, ready to take the world by storm! We create advertising & social media campaigns with a goal to establish a modern and well-perceived image of our clients’ product. Our goal is to help brands show their unique identity, history and aesthetics through symbols, images and words. What makes us stand out as a true GenZ advertising company is that we are ready to make a change in the advertising field. We want to bring fresh air and new ideas to the table, something that will make a difference. Our clients’ values are of immense importance to us and we take them into consideration, by creating a personal bond with them and respecting their beliefs. After all, we are here to help them Speak Up about their values and Stand Out to the world with their product. We are not just an advertising company but a group of GenΖ minds that want to make a social statement with every campaign. That means that we choose our collaborations very carefully.

At Stad Up agency, our mission is to level-up our clients’ recognition, empower them and display their products by creating attention-grabbing content and connect our partners’ ideas with their customers’ values and needs through user generated content. Our vision is to inspire people through our services, and have a positive impact on society. It is really important for us to impel people to respect and appreciate diversity, to equate all social groups and to act with the principles of responsibility to our environment, society and economy.

Our team consists of 6 members, each one of them brings something different to the table. Without one another we wouldn’t be the team we are today. We wouldn’t face difficulties the same way, with humor and persistence, striving for the best result. Εach member, with its special skills and knowledge, plays an equally significant role in achieving the best collective result.

Our agency offers services such as social media marketing, content creation and influencer marketing for social media platforms. You can learn more about our services through our website ( An example of our work is the Giant Heart Season 2 campaign for Novibet and our collaboration with Rynair (GN campaign; , Ryanair’s campaign;



Theodora Kostadima

Undergraduate student of Communication, Media and Culture department of Panteion University Member of STADUP agency