Start-up Branding Advertising Agency: M.A.G.I.K.

~the ingredients for a successful marketing spell~

M.A.G.I.K. ‘s logo

On our journey in the course of “Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations”, which is held at the “Communication, Media and Culture” department in Panteion University of Athens, we were given the task to create our own branding advertising agency.

As we were thinking about a name for this advertising agency, we came up with the idea of naming it M.A.G.I.K. from the first letter of our own names. To be more specific, M. from Margarita Kammenou our Social Media Manager, A. from Afroditi Kokla, our creative director, G. from Grasiela Varkari our Social Event Planer ,I. from Ina Makrydaki, our I.T. manager and K from Konstantina Aggelidou, our P.R. manager.

What’s interesting is the fact that the name of our agency comes not only from the first letter of our names, but also from the wise words of Donald Wills Douglas that inspired us. “Dream no small dream; it lacks magic. Dream large. Then make the dream real”. With passion, vision and “good ingredients” we can create a successful marketing spell.

But what those ingredients are? As we kept thinking about our start-up advertising agency, we realized that the point wasn’t just the name and the image of our company, it was the purpose. Today, we our proud to say that M.A.G.I.K. is a marketing agency that aims to combine already- existing marketing models with new and innovative practices. Our main goal is to help new start-up companies to bloom and to create bonds and collaborations with bigger and well-known brands.

Our business plan is simple, yet essential. To begin with, we exanimate new start-up companies, their products and target groups. Then, we search for suitable brands for the start-up’s needs based on their target group. The next step is to approach the two companies and to promote the funding that the multinational company offers to the start-up. It is important to emphasize that M.A.G.I.K. assists the organization of marketing plans, social events and media promotions.

Our company is located in Athens, but we cooperate with Western big brands. As far as our partnerships are concerned, M.A.G.I.K. aims to collaborate with big brands based on the idea of a win-win situation. On one hand we help new start-up companies to find sponsors and we promote their collaborations with big brands, on the other hand, we help multinational companies to contact with new and innovative ideas and we assist the enhancing of their corporate social responsibility programs.

Finally, concerning the values and innovations of our marketing agency company, we take into consideration the fact that the majority of new start-up companies faces challenges in order to grow. As a startup branding advertising agency itself , M.A.G.I.K. understands the difficulties, the anxiety of the competition and the unknown. Our main goal is to give to passionate and special start-ups the opportunity to watch their vision come alive. We start with a simple idea and then with good ingredients we are able to proceed to a successful marketing spell!

Betty Tsakarestou Konstantina Angelidou Margie Kam Grasiela Varkari Afroditi Kokla



Ina Makrydaki

Dept. of Communication and Public relations- Teacher of rhetorical art- MUN lover-Just a passionate person who aspires to build a start-up