Start-up talk, the aftermath

Last week, we were given the opportunity to discuss our projects as individuals instead of teams. we practiced two methodologies to help ourselves move forward with our media and communication startup projects. During our course, we practiced: speed dating for startups and world cafe methodology. Divided into 3 groups we: pitched to one of our peers(of a different group), asked 2 questions and gave 1 top advice/ feedback to the pitching person and gave feedback to both pithing person and the questioner -feedback person. We have also moved around changing tables/ offering the opportunity to all teams to pitch, ask questions, give feedback and observe to different teams.

Speed dating helped me to think faster and develop my brainstorming skills cause the speed we were changing teams and roles. The whole process was both an interesting and challenging experience. Disguising with others and pitching helped to exchange ideas and also to understand the way of thinking of other start-uppers. Another thing I obtained by both asking and answering questions is how to be sharp-witted and ready to answer every question and also how to be ready to pose questions.

Concluding speed dating was an interesting, challenging procedure which gave us the opportunity to apply some of the experience we gained during the semester to discuss and interact with other teams. Last but not list is the fact that by interacting with others I was inspired to keep planning and developing my ideas.

