
Storytelling of our project: Eurasia
Part 1

Τhe following article is part of the #Eurasia project of the Ad Discovery Workshop of Panteion University in Greece.

Eurasia is a start-up project based on the Ad Discovery Workshop : an experimental peer-to-peer learning, hands-on workshop conducted by Assistant Professor Betty Tsakarestou of the Department of Communication Media and Culture, of Panteion University, Athens, Greece. Founded by 6 university students from 3 different countries and 2 continents, Eurasia works as an international journalistic and social platform that serves as a multicultural community that everyone from Europe and Asia can join, read articles from various perspectives, meet people from different backgrounds and write articles of their own to post on our site and social media pages. Our basic purpose is to create a better understanding of the travelling, technological social and cultural beliefs and differences between the countries of Eurasia. The following paragraphs refer to the steps that each one of our members took in order to create this project, with mentions to our sources of information, web resources and partner collaborations.

As our group is consisted by students from different origins and backgrounds we were interested in creating a start-up that would connect our countries and continents mainly on social and cultural level. At the beginning, we gathered as a group and started brainstorming in order to come up with various and different ideas and possible projects. After extensive discussion and thinking on the nature of our project and the viability of each and every one of our propositions, we concluded on Eurasia as a connecting continents project and begun materializing it.

We started working with the help of OpenIdeo human centered design thinking methodology into developing step-by-step our own startup idea. Consequently, we begun creating our user experience map during the workshop hours. We abided by the steps which OpenIdeo provided us with, and practically divided our startup into pieces that could “easily be made and tested”. Our real goal in this stage was to create a map that would visualise the experience a user might have through our idea and project over time and test its viability.

Having finished the user experience map, we proceeded on the next step in OpenIdeo platform which was the Prototype Worksheet. It was explicit that at this point we had to identify and prioritize some questions regarding our project, and then answer them in order to test once again the viability of our idea and if the idea was in fact resonated with people. When the prototype was finished we tested it by getting some feedback of our colleagues and made any changes needed according to that feedback.

During all those steps, we were determined to work together in the class by dividing these steps and tasks to different members of our team. More specifically me and Amanda Voulgari were in charge of drawing, sketching and the searching for the graphics that we were going to use in the materealization of both the User Experience Map and the Prototype Worksheet, while the rest of the team collaborated to produce the content that we were going to include in them( Ling Jin Catherine Meng Daphne Diapouli Zuzana Hájková )

In the meantime, being aware of the fact that once our website was ready to launch we would need content such as articles, photos and videos, each one of us started to write their own pieces and searching for visual and audio content that would make our site more interesting and active right from the beginning. The articles that we had to produce would had to be related either to Europe or Asia and embedded into four certain categories: culture, travelling, technology and society. http://eurasiaco.wix.com/eurasia,

Before publishing any article on our website or any social account we would read each other’s articles to avoid any grammar or typo mistakes and include visual content in our posts such as photos, videos and links to our resources. Our final purpose was to have an amount of articles written from different perspectives and produced both by individual work and team cooperation.

You can find more info about our startup and the articles on our official website: http://eurasiaco.wix.com/eurasia

Like us on #Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eurasiaco

Follow us on #Twitter: https://twitter.com/eurasiaco

TEAM: Amanda Voulgari, twnia nisotaki, Daphne Diapouli, Catherine Meng , Ling Jin, Zuzana Hájková

With the help of Assistant Professor Betty Tsakarestou of the Department of Communication Media and Culture, of Panteion Univeristy, Athens, Greece.

© 2016 by an Ad Discovery Workshop of Panteion University



twnia nisotaki

Communication, Media and Culture. Panteion University of social and political sciences. #Ad Discovery Workshop #Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship.