‘Studentland’ the app that smooths the way for the student’s entertainment!’

Ad discovery workshop / app details and story telling by Effrossyni Karpozilou


What is ‘Studentland’ and to whom it is adressed!

Studentland is an application which aims at satisfying the existing needs of a particular group, namely students (aged) 18–25 years of age who wish to find spots offering qualitative recreation in addition to being cheap.

Detected problem

The aforementioned need exists due to the fact that in the existing searching machines one can barely find relevant information. As a result it is time consuming as well as bewildering for users who may finally consider this search less reliable.

How it works

The ultimate aim of this application is to identify all existing popular recreation spots, i.e for food, drink, coffe, etc. , which will be classified not only in terms of area in Athens but according to prices in addition to special offers and discounts for students.

The application will give users the possibility to use either the Basic or the Pro edition. Upon choosing the Basic application with a touch on the screen, users will be able to choose the Kind of recreation are interested in, followed by the choise of the most convenient area. The search ends up when users choose one of the spots matching to their needs and desires. Use of the specific Application will give students the possibility to find information regarding how to get to that place, address, photo on the google map. Additionally, a highlighted menu with prices and people’s critics will be available.

As far as the Pro Edition is regarded, users can subscribe with a fee of €1,99 per month only, thus having access to additional options. This way they will have access to more information related to offers and discounts. Users will have the chance of a more complicated search through a number of filters, e g spots having live music, in addition to being able to make a reservation (this part requires internet connection. Last but not least users of the Pro Edition, especially students, will have the possibility to see the full menu of the desired spot and also have discount coupons for hairdressers, physical training spots with the use of their student card only.

The application Studentland is available for Android devices through playstore, as well as for IOS through App store!

‘This video shows you how to download and use the application’

Our User

Lets give you an example through our user’s story!

“žName: Chris Alexidis

žAge: 19

žProfession: Student at Kapodistriako University, Department of Medicine

Other Characteristics: Volunteer in Doctors of the World”

‘‘It was on a Friday evening that Chris and his company had been gathered at his home at Holargos to watch an interesting football match. By the end of the football match they are excited upon the winning of their favorite football club and they decide to celebrate it. His friends suggest that they should go to a spot near their School since they did not know any other place in the area offering cheap and qualitative recreation suitable for University students (The ideal means low budget in practice but with nice music, food and ambient trendy for young people). Chris, however, is not willing to spend the evening at the same place but would prefer another spot.

So he started searching the net for places suitable for students. Unfortunately, this search did not result in what he really opted for. Being disappointed he finally came to terms with his friends’ proposal. At that specific time he saw an advertisement on TV regarding an application suitable for University students called “Studentland”. The advertisement triggered his interest and at once he decided to download the application.

‘‘The commercial campaign’’

In the meantime, the rest of the company had started complaining because they thought they were just wasting their time.

He found the application easily using Playstore for Android whereas the process of downloading it was not time-consuming. With a simple touch the information he wanted to find came up on his smartphone screen. He selected the desired area as well as the characteristics of the place for food and drink to go to since the application presented the relevant information in every detail, e.g. address, ambient, prices, etc.

His suggestion to the rest of the company to hang out and about at a new spot was actually accepted by almost everyone. Upon their arrival, they were satisfied since the characteristics of that spot not only matched the info provided in the application “Studentland” but their requirements as well. The specific spot was ideal for University students offering discounts to them especially when they were a large group with the use of their student card.

After spending a stunning evening there, they also decided to become members of the Pro Edition to have more benefits of the application while informing other students of its benefits.’’


Studentland smoothed the way for Chris’s entairtenment! But what about you? Are you ready to download studentland the application that facilitates student’s entairtenmaint?

Where to find us

Like and share our facebook page with the name ‘‘Studentland’’ on where you can find all the information you need about the application!


See how to download or use the application and take part in our contest by hashtagging the application’s name and be one out of the ten lucky students who will get our pro version for free!

“This is a short presentation for our app.”

