Taylors Tea Project

by Three Steam

Check out our video HERE

Being part of the ADandPRLab of Panteion University, my team “Three Steam” and I, were given the chance to work on our promo video for a product of our choice. We produced a tea commercial video for Taylors Tea.

It was an incredible opportunity to work as a team and together discover the beautiful and creative world of advertising and promotion.

Brainstorming was our favorite part of the project. Our initial thought was to present a couple of kung fu fighters, one of whom is one of the team member’s coach. We would have had them fight and then after a tiresome day, they would have relaxed with a Taylors cup of tea. But due to their work responsibilities, unfortunately, they had to cancel at the last minute.

So, our plan B was the following scenario. We decided to depict a day from our daily lives, presenting two relatable occasions. In the first one, we show a woman working out, and in the second one who is studying. They are both executing demanding tasks and our idea is to suggest a cup of lemon — ginger Taylors tea as a solution to relieve stress. The key point of this product is that it is caffeine-free.

Our target group is pretty wide. We target every consumer who just likes to relax and loosen up, after a stressful and exhausting day.

Also, we decided to include a studying routine in our commercial, so that we demonstrate a daily responsibility for young people, aiming to attract the younger audience because tea as a beverage isn’t so popular among them.

While shooting our video, the only difficulty we came upon is the fact that because of the Covid19 pandemic, we had to shoot our shots separately and then bind them together.

For our Facebook post, we strived to achieve a perfect result, but the engagement was quite disappointing. Next time we make a post, we will pursue a much more engaging post caption and a much more interesting content.

Nevertheless, it was a wonderful experience and we enjoyed every minute of it!



Theodora Filopoulou

Currently a student in Communication, Media and Civilisation at Panteion University. Nevertheless, a human dedicated to art.