Tell ‘no gender’ with l(US)h, № 1

First of all, we tried to choose a company whose ideas we share, and we want to popularize them. The first thing that needs to be said is that while working on this project, our team perfectly understood that only the values ​​that the company wants to convey to the world can bring real success to the company. The modern market is full of different companies that most people do not even remember, because the main thing is not only to create a quality product, but to know why you are doing it and how you can change the world for the better with the tool.

In our presentation “We run the bath”

you can read more about the following points that we have worked through, more details. But still, we want to emphasize the main ideas that are really important. We mostly share the idea of “NO GENDER”. Cosmetics can and should be used by people of any age, religion, orientation and gender.

The brand develops various social networks for its friendly and green “propaganda”, including Twitter:

It is a well-known fact that Lush is partnering with the National Center for Transgender Equality and the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity to take a deep dive into discrimination faced by transgender and non-binary people in North America. The transgender and non-binary Lush staff share their voices about identity and how we can all come together for trans rights. “We believe #TransRightsAreHumanRights”:

What is more, the goal of the company is to use the best, safest and most beautiful ingredients for the production of cosmetic. Fresh organic product from fresh organic fruits and vegetables, the best essential oils and safe synthetic ingredients. Find out how we reduce our environmental impact, and how you can be involved in this process.Everyone can help the planet, using more “green” products, help in processing, the main thing is to think about it.

The company produces Charity Pot cream, the entire proceeds from sales of which is used for charitable purposes — protecting animals and the environment, helping children and others. Lush does not buy from companies that carry out, fund, or commission any animal testing. They test their products on human volunteers before they are sold to the public.

Based on the opinions of people that our team learned through an interview, we realized that consumers really care and think about the environment –Juliette (Ex-Costumer), 26 Years old:

«… their limited use of plastic (you can bring back the plastic containers after you use them».

One cannot deny that employees, know their subjects, paying attention to the specific needs of the costumer, sharing the values/and the visual look of the brand. More information you can find on the link with the full interview:

Article written by Rinata Talipova

Assistant Professor and Head of Advertising and Public Relations Lab Betty Tsakarestou

