GrAd: New marketing start-up in business!

GrAd is a creative media agency founded during the global pandemic of COVID-19 and during the lesson of Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture at the Panteion University. Its members are young people who want to provide an avenue for companies of any size that wish to promote their idea into the market, without having to spend a lot of money and also not needing to sacrifice quality in the process.

Each member is an expert in its field, and together we can compose unique and creative advertisements for everyone.

Besides, two of our core values are collaboration and creativity!

Our team: Χριστίνα Βασιλάκη, Ondřej Obergruber, Alexandre Kasfikis, Ria P and Bretagnelisa.

Our AWESOME team!

The GrAd team also has profiles in various social media networks, which makes us more approachable to clients and also helps with staying up to date with current affairs. Moreover, we have created a website where anyone can visit and get to know the team and its talents a bit more!

We didn’t want to waste time so we quickly proceeded with building our social media profiles as a new startup creative media agency (GrAD) alongside our philosophy, purpose, vision, mission and the design of our logo. Here are our socials!






One of the first things the GrAd team was asked to do was to analyse and present one of the winners of the Cannes Lions 2019 Grand Prix Campaign. We chose the campaign created by the BBDQ Dubai over the Al-Nahar’s newspaper blank edition.

Lebanon was dealing with a serious political crisis that left the country without a functioning government for several months. During this period the temporary governments mostly focused on accusing others and did not attempt to diffuse the situation. The Lebanese people had reached a breaking point, absolutely fed up with what was going on. Because of this, one of the most famous local newspapers decided to release a completely blank 8 — page edition of their newspaper. This was something new and definitely innovative at that time, because it acted as a statement towards the government and the world by altering the purpose of traditional media. This inspired our team and made us realise that there are a lot of ways to present an idea, sometimes strange and non-conventional but often with remarkable and amazing results. The campaign embodies our core values perfectly!

Next we talked about corporate reputation and how significant it is for a company. All of our conclusions were based on the information of Rep-Trak, a company that publishes reports on the reputation of corporations and places based on consumer surveys and media coverage, and its scores/ratings have a profound effect on every company.

In addition to the aforementioned study, we also had to look into Edelman’s trust barometer and report where we learned about the change in the balance of power regarding trust through the meticulous observation of the report’s findings. To sum up, we found out that, overall, the trust rating the governments around the world enjoyed had been lowered in comparison to previous years and one of the key conclusions is that people trust more individuals and companies rather than the institutions. They now expected more from the former and wanted them to act decisively and be a catalytic factor in the society that takes interest in social issues.

One of the next things we had to do was to analyse Rachel’s Botsman work, a corporate trust expert. Through this analysing we were able to significantly enhance our knowledge regarding trust and how important it is for the survival and prosperity of a company. One of the most important takeaways of this was in one of her speeches in which Botsman explained (among other things) that one of the things that promote trust is transparency.

Transparency means that people can ‘’see through‘’ a company and know all about it, know its goals, its values e.t.c.

Even though transparency is a vital component for the development of trust, too much of it can and will have the opposite effect and will just demolish trust.

👉 Betty Tsakarestou

