“The Big Quiz Theory” — The Big Brand Theory team’s work on proto.io!

(Surprisingly enough, no member made a quiz about the famous TV show. 🤔)

So, as part of the wednesday’s class each and one of us had to make an interactive app prototype on https://proto.io/, a tool that facilitates the creation of an app prototype.

To familiarize ourselves with the tool we had to create a quiz about a subject that interests each one of us. So, let’s begin!

You can solve her quiz here.

First, Ellie made a very interesting and informative quiz on Food Waste.

Ellie’s vision was to find a fun way to share some facts about a major ecological and social problem and what better way than through this assignment!

You can solve her quiz here.

Next we have Tzela’s quiz. Tzela decided to make a quiz about more general facts rather than a speific subject.

In just three questions you can learn amazing fun facts that you can even use in awkward convos!

You can solve her quiz here.

Next up is Maya, the artistic spirit of our team! Maya draws, Maya listens to music, Maya understands the world in a more colorful way than most of us and that is reflected on her choice of subject.

If you like Jazz you’ll adore this short quiz about this marvelous music genre!

You can solve it here.

In continuation, my own quiz! Inspired by Ellie’s, I decided to make a brief quiz about another enviromental and ethical issue, animal agriculture.

As a vegan myself I firmly believe that some facts should be more widly known, so I made an infotaining quiz regarding the Enviromental Impact of the consumption of animal products.

You can solve his quiz here.

Lastly, the geograhy quiz of Yannis! Geography is usually ignored by people in all walks of life. However, we live in a marvellous world with unique cultures, natural monuments and phenomena- a world worth diving into.

With this quiz you will get to test your knowledge on three amazing facts about geography and even learn something ypu didn’t know!

If this assignment taught us something is that we should never stop learning but also have fun while at it!

