The Coca-cola experience


During our marketing lab we had the chance to visit the Coca-cola Hellas premises and explore a part of this world-renowned company. The main structure of the visitation was a guided tour in the offices and a session on Corporate Affairs and Social Media management, with useful information and great tips on this field’s “secrets”. The experts there, Constantina Mila, John Perantakos and Giorgos Xanthakis shared their view of the company and their experience working for it. Not only did they give us useful information, but also they’ve been great hosts, as we left the place with great gifts and a full stomach.

At first, we had the opportunity to walk around their workplace. Once you walk inside, you can discover an eye-friendly and well structured space, with offices that communicate with each other and places that facilitate everyday work. One can surely say that it would be fun working there.There are refrigerators filled with the company’s products, recycle bins, relaxing spaces with lounge chairs and offices filled with colour.

During the presentation Constantina Mila shared with us information of the corporation that helped us understand that Coca-cola is more than the carbonated beverage we all know! The story dates back to the 19th century when pharmacist John Pemberton invented the dark-coloured drink and sold it to businessman Asa Griggs Candler. Then he and his marketing methods led Coca Cola to become the multinational colossus that it is today with presence in more than 200 countries.

Later on John Perantakos and Giorgos Xanthakis took over and the presentation returned to the present issues. They pointed out the importance of always being relevant and in time when working in marketing and showed us many examples of Coca Cola’s communication tactics and previous campaigns. The discussion carried on with questions we’ve made, while enjoying our favorite beverages.

All of this could not have happened if not for our professor Diana Birba, who during our class in “Applied Marketing” along with professor Dimitra Iordanoglou, gave as the chance to visit her workplace. What started as a typical week in our Ad and Pr lab ended up being a great marketing experience thanks to the Coca Cola team.

Team Pro.Ago: Poppy Kousi, Eleftheria Kostoula-Athanasiou, Dimitri Makris, Marissa Moumouri, Giannis Spiliopoulos, Aris Tzimas, Eirinaios Trapetsas

Dr. Stavros Kaperonis Betty Tsakarestou

