The Jumbo analysis - The Day

As part of the Digital Creativity and Code Apps / Games workshop we were asked to find and suggest solutions to a problem on behalf of a company. At first we all thought about Christmas, which is coming in the near future, so we came up with a company ad that aired on television these days. This event was the reason for thinking more deeply about the issue of brand advertising of Jumbo, where it faces problems and how they could be resolved. So, we wrote a report. ( )

We made the report through piktochart which was very helpful as a platform and easy to use. The templates were offered free by the platform, one of which we also used to create the report. The templates really helped and guided us, as they suggested where you can write down problems or solutions, while having many styles in between that you could choose from the one that you like most.

In this report we suggest that even though Jumbo is a successful company , It needs to improve its digital promotion and generally its digital communication with comsumers. So, we made these facebook and instagram posts and poster so as to let you understand how helpful they can be for a brand like Jumbo.

To sum up, we did not find many difficulties through the writing process and it was a very interesting and mind triggering challenge. The only thing that made our lifes hard was coming up with the Jumbo idea.

( & & )

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