As part of the Market and New Media Research Lab we were appointed to delve into one specific product category of our choice and make a spherical analysis of the product. At first, we took a very different approach, choosing chocolate. We soon realised that it was a very popular category that many teams had decided to move with. To be honest we didn’t want to be one of the masses so we agreed as a group that we had to start over the project.

When the other teams were presenting their choices through the screens of our computers due to the corona virus outbreak that sadly confined us on the 4 walls of our apartments, we realised that a huge product category was overlooked. Pizza. It was an opportunity that we couldn’t miss as it was interesting and at the same time not a well-known field to our researching knowledge.

Our first challenge that we were given by Mr. Ioannidis was to conduct a secondary research that would include collecting data and information on the category. Of course, here in Greece the main competitor of pizza is souvlaki, an everlasting debate that divides generations. Some interesting findings were that: the pizza industry will continue to have a growth rate , specifically 10% for the period 18–23, and that there is an investment activity.

Our next task was to choose two main brands from our category and create the personas of these two brands knowing that our qualitative and quantitative research throughout the semester will be focused on these two brands. We chose Pizza Fan and Domino’s.

Next thing on the list was Qualitative research. The method we chose to continue was to host online focus groups. More specifically we made two different focus groups with 8 participants overall. Our questions were about their relationship with pizza in general and their opinion on the most famous pizza brands in Greece.Analysing the answers led to the following category map.

Ending with the qualitative research and having some more specific information about our category product we were in need to find out what’s the opinion behind the pizza industry to a bigger audience. That’s where the quantitative research showed up. We were asked to create a questionnaire through Survey Monkey, a very popular site where you can create a survey for free, for a Usage and Attitude study. Mr. Ioannidis really helped us with this procedure because he had already created a similar questionnaire that we were allowed to be inspired by. An important factor to this assignment was that we were limited to 10 questions so we had to make as to the point questions as possible.

Some important information that we got from the questionnaire was that the majority of the people that answered eat pizza once a month or less, basic criteria for the respondents to pick a pizza brand are price quality ratio, qualititative ingridients and online services.

However, those answers needed to be placed in order. Thats where the data analysis lesson came in handy. We organised the responses in each question to charts to help us visualise and make easier to our eyes the findings. With these findings a story was created about the people that consume our product.

To sum up, following through the hole semester the instructions of Mr. Ioannidis and executing every task with success we were ready for our final presentation. A summary that would include everything that we have done. Our main goals were to understand a customer’s thinking behind picking a pizza, which aspects have an effect on this thinking and which pizza brand is more preferable in the greek audience.

So, we found out that the most popular choices are Pizza Fan and Domino’s , people are loyal to their choice of brand. They hardly change their pizza preferance. They know what they want and they expect nothing less than a great service, they don’t mind if the price is high when the quality is where it should be and last but not least the pizza heavy users belong to a younger age group.

All in all, the New Market Media & Research Lab was a great experience for our team: it equiped us with all the necessary tools that are required to deal with deep research projects.

Our journey :

Our team :

Spiros Avgoustis

Marina Chatz

Κατερίνα Φυλάκτου

andriana kp



Panagiotis Tserra

Teachers : Betty Tsakarestou Dimitra Iordanoglou Konstantinos Ioannidis

