The Final Campaign for “The Ripples” by GoingViral.

As the final project for this semester, Going Viral had to present the advertising campaign for their main client, the hard-rock band called “The Ripples”.

The Ripples is a band that was formed in 2018 and is consisted of four very talented musicians. Their values represent inclusivity , authenticity and generally they are a Gen’Z band that expresses the voice of the youth all while focusing on making good music. Their fan base has grown over the years from friends and family to fans of the music and so they expect to gain audience for their lives and generally enhance their popularity. Some other expectations the group had from our collaboration were fresh and original digital management that matches their aesthetic, in order to promote them as they really are ,researches based on their needs to understand and move along with their target group’s vibe ,campaigns that promote not only the music but also the essence that goes with them too and the design of the merchandise.

In order to fulfill these goals , Going Viral decided to organise the campaign in two main directions · via digital means and via physican ones. The though behind this type of organising was that a band should be pormoted not only digitally but also in the real world where face to face interactions occur. We set up this campaign in Miro, as it can be seen in the image below.

About the digital part of the campaign, we started with the creation of a fan club page on instagram (@theripplesfanclub in which we post about upcoming lives shows, memes, backstage videos and photos, merchandise, material from previous live shows, fans photos, participation in fundraising events and donations to LGBTQIA+ institutions.

the fan club page on Instagram

We itend to promote live shows via posts on all social media.

Another very important aspect is the presentation of our client, their profile, values and achievements.


As a future notion we plan to establish an e-shop in which we will sell merchandise of the band as well as tickets for upcoming shows.

Moving on to the physical means first priority is the design of the merchandise , as it is a very active way of promoting tha band because fans og the group would love having merch adn wear it at the live shows and in ther every day life, which leads to further advertisment of the band. It will consist og the band’s logo being displayed on T-shirts. There are some mock-ups:

Next up is the configuration of stickers and posters with the logo and/or upcoming live shows , the contribution to fans and the placement on poles and boards.

The Ripples have a great relationship with their old and new fans and they would like to maintain it so the organisation of meet-ups is an essential step to this process. There will be public announcements, which will include specific time and place for a meet and greet, where the fans will have the chance to meet the group, take photos. signed autographs and get to know them even better.

Lastly, so as to support their social sustainability cause, The Ripples will participate in fundraising events & donations to LGBTQIA+ institutions. Both the band and the fans will actively contribute in making the difference by providing those in medical need with much wanted help.Furthermore, awareness will be raised for general social issues and especially for issues that include LGBTQIA+ discriminations.

The desired outcome of this campaing, in accordance with our client’s goals is increase engagement for the band and reach of new followers/fans on the media, to maintain the relationship with the fans and to connect with new ones, to promote in both a conventional and an uncovnentional way , to increase profit to use for future events, to successfully advertise the band and assist in their social sustainability goal. With one phrase we aim to make The Ripples “ Go Viral”.

  • Going Viral Greece

Betty Tsakarestou

Betty Tsakarestou


Μυρτώ Γκόρου

Kat Sapouna

