It was a Tuesday evening , during Panteion University’s AD & PR Lab, when we were assigned to form a team which would basically work as a marketing agency that would later create a start-up company.

Our team consists of seven individuals with completely different personalities, influences, and dispositions. At first, it seemed overwhelming. We set up our first meeting for a Thursday afternoon when no one knew exactly what we would work on and the brainstorming process generated interesting ideas that would land on the table abruptly. Some of them were interesting, others impossible to implement.

Time flew and, at this point, we were worried that we wouldn’t come up with anything worthwhile or even notable. Nothing seemed perfect for our first project. But after a while, in a magical instant the recipe came together. We had our first start-up and brand. And we also had our marketing agency’s name: THE DAY — a tribute for the day everything happened and the name that still accompanies us while taking on AD & PR Lab assignments.

As a first step, we chose to check whether our idea was a service that people would use. Therefore, in order to evaluate the popularity and functionality of our idea, we decided to conduct a research. We weighed our options and agreed that the most efficient way would be the construction of a questionnaire. We consulted in our professor Ms Mihailidou to check our questionnaire’s structure and content in order to collect the information needed.

We distributed the questionnaire to our friends and family and asked them to share it with theirs in order to achieve a larger audience. The completed forms escalated to over 200 and consisted of a variety of ages and faculties.

The questionnaire helped us check the work-ability and popularity that our idea would have if it was to be launched. The outcome made us believe more in our idea, elevate the characteristics of it and helped us understand better our audience.

In addition to the research we conducted, we searched online for more material to reinforce our questionnaire’s finds with statistics and results of other similar researches (ex. Forbes magazine, Consumer trends 2018).

So what was the idea? One member of our team, who loves to eat food but simultaneously doesn’t want to gain weight, was too disappointed by the fact that every tasty food has too many calories and sometimes harmful for your inner system. The outcome of that situation was our big idea: selling fresh and tasty foods with low calories. An idea that solve the problem of many people but at the same time it takes advantage one of the biggest trends in our days: healthy lifestyle.

After a lot of idea-gathering sessions, we conclude that we will offer 24/7 vending machines that will sell healthy and delicious snacks in central points of Athens for those who are always on the go and don’t have the time to sit somewhere and enjoy their meal. We will also have an app that gives the opportunity to people to order the meal they want in order to find it fresh and ready to consume.

Coming up with the idea was only the top of the iceberg. We had to analyse many aspects that circle our idea. To begin with, we had to figure out our target group and its personality. So, our target group concludes of course both male and female customers with middle or high income. Our customers live in big cities, they are usually on the go and they are environmentally concious. You can’t be commited to our product and have no intentions on protecting our world. An important reminder about our brand isn’t confined to be for vegans or vegetarians. Everyone is welcomed.

Our strengths as a brand? We offer quality products, we are accessible (easy to find), sustainable and we are digital (app, social media, site ) meaning that we are close to the new age of people. On the other hand, we offer medium to high prices. Basically, we don’t have an option because dealing with healthy lifestyle is a bit expensive. We also have a more limited target group and we will exist at first in a limited amount of selling spots.

Our opportunities? We are following the well-being trend that is rapidly surrounding us, there’s a clear high usage of social media and we have few
competitors that offer the whole package of our services for the time being. On the contrary, competitors will emerge for sure in the near future and the economical crisis that has damaged our country is considered to be a big obstacle for our dream.

When you build a product or a brand you must also make clear what your values are. We, as the Kiwe team, want to have respect for the people that we offer services and the environment, we are committed to our costumers and the quality to our products. In a few words our goal is to be genuine. That’s why our slogan is “Respect every layer”: just like the layers of a kiwi (skin, green part, core), our brand has equal layers correspondingly (environment, our costumer and our staff).

When everything was done, from forming the idea to finding out how it will work one thing was left. Coming up with a way to promote the Kiwe project. Except from our social media presence we had to think a TV advert. We thought that it must be something Greek and funny. One mother complaining about her kids food habits and one being sure that her kid eats healthy because he or she chooses kiwe. This epic brawl between those mothers will bring laughter and favor our brand of course.

In conclusion, the Kiwe project is a simple idea that aims for a healthier future for its costumers, while respecting everyone. We hope that people will show trust to our idea and follow the well-being trend.

This project was a huge opportunity for us to learn how things work in the marketing era, we realized how challenging is to create a product or a service from the start and, since we got a very positive feedback, things worked out pretty well.

Our website :

Presentation :

Our team :

Spiros Avgoustis

Marina Chatz

Κατερίνα Φυλάκτου

andriana kp



Panagiotis Tserra

Teachers : Betty Tsakarestou, Markos Aris, Lina Bakalexi

