A Marketing Strategy and Creative Proposals for #MarketingLab vertical of #ADandPRLAB, at Panteion University, assigned by Diana Birba, Marketing Manager at Coca-Cola Hellas and Betty Tsakarestou, Head of #ADandPRLAB

Oreo launched lately a brand new product in Greece, Oreo Thins. What makes it special and unique is the fact that it is slimmer than the classic biscuit, but without losing its authentic taste. This crispy cookie version is created to be appealing in an extended audience, which is the older ages (25 to 40 y.a.), whose habits are much more different, as they have to combine pleasure with the high pressure of their daily routine.

Our agency’s assignment was to recommend a creative marketing strategy for the Greek market, so as to establish the uniqueness of Oreo Thins. Nowadays everyday life can be hard for every adult and anxiety is a common place. Nevertheless, Oreo Thins can fit in our lives and be our daily treat. Our three points strategy is based on the concept that the thinner it is, the better it “fits”.


Chatbot Advantages

Firstly, we came up with incorporating a Chatbot software, which is being more and more popular and many companies have decided to fund it. Its familiar interface helps users by imitating personalized communication. This kind of artificial intelligence surprises the users because it gives them the feeling of a real conversation. It is easy to deploy and funny like a game according to Oreo’s way of thinking plus a bit of high tech. In order to come closer with consumers, Chatbot offers one more chance to play, like they used to do when they were kids. By sending a personalized message and after sharing with it their favorite Oreo Thin flavor, users may be lucky enough to witness a magic trick! Hard pressed as they are in their office, Oreo Thins will instantly “fit”! In a mutual beneficial cooperation, Oreo will start B2C collaboration with Uber and Oreo Thins will be transported to our lucky customers. The lucky users are going to be the ones that will fulfill some basic requirements, such as the age (the lucky ones have to be included in our target audience: 25–45 y.a.) or other demographic stats.

Uber and Oreo Partnership through Chatbot

For the rest of the users who will communicate with our Chatbot, a 20% discount for their favorite flavor of Oreo Thins will be offered to them.


Our next suggestion applies to social media users’ habit of frequent uploading images on their profiles, fact that gives marketing an interactive accent. Our motto “It just fits” will be the inspiration for User Generated Content from our followers on Facebook and Instagram. The concept is as simple as that: Oreo Thins are so thin that they “just fit” everywhere˙ inside a slim laptop or a book, as thin as a coin that you can put it in a moneybox!

Oreo Thins in the heart of time that runs and frustrates our everyday life
Oreo Thins can save energy (eco-energy and ours!)
Oreo Thins so thin as coins. Oreos save money
Oreo Thins are there when you are staring for hours the wardrobe, wondering what to where..
And still there when you finally decide and make the last touch ups!


In order to motivate the users create their own content, we will promise the launch of a video campaign at the end of the year that is going to include the staff produced with so much creativity and passion by our users. This way, users will see their photos or videos as parts of Oreo’s official campaign, which is undeniably truly engaging and finally effective!


It is noticeable in Greek society that this new age target group is not familiar with brand new, high-tech technology. Older ages do not even know the benefits that come along with them. According to Oreo’s vision we will make an attempt to change adults’ perspective into the point of view they had as children. When you are young you experience a lot of different, extraordinary things that you meet for the very first time. This feeling will come again into their mind when they will experience Virtual Reality Glasses. Supermarket is an ordinary place to go mostly for an everyday woman. So that is the place where ordinary can meet extraordinary. (Guerilla Marketing)

When the possible consumers enter the supermarket, they get a notification through beacons that an Oreo Virtual Reality Event happens very close to them. Through VR glasses consumers will experience what they formally used to see as passive viewers at the social media. The already made Instagram promotion videos will be transferred into virtual reality. They generally present people in frustrating or boring situations, who magically change place and enjoy a much more delightful moment after biting the new Oreo Thin.

The woman who wears the VR glasses in the supermarket will be transported from the real life to an imaginary scenery right at the moment she will taste for the very first time the Oreo Thins that our ambassador will give her.

Undeniably, the advantages of such an unexpected marketing proposal will lead to overwhelming feelings to the customers, who will 100% be engaged and will share from to mouth their unforgettable experience.

VR Advantages

So, our marketing strategy is focusing first and foremost on the social media, that play a truly active role in today’s business market. In combination with the VR experience, users will have the chance to come in a very special touch for the very first time with the new Oreo Thins!

So, where Oreo Thins just fit in your everyday life? Let’s figure it out!


At this point, we would like to thank miss Betty Tsakarestou (Professor and Head of Advertising and Pr Lab at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University), Diana Birba and Giota Moschou for giving us the chance to experience a real-time case for a brand like OREO.

Our collaboration with each other proved the difficulty of a team work that is composed of four different personalities, though it also proved that four minds work better than one. The brainstorming process seemed easier as four minds came up with very creative ideas, while the whole effort of completing every aspect of the project was faster.

It is obvious that through this project, we learned how to organize our time so as to be consistent in our deadline, as well as we shared useful knowledge with each other, so as to accomplish the final mission. That was the very first project of our marketing agency, THE LURECATEERS, so we hope that our work fulfilled every requirement of the given brief.


The team: Vasilis Plegas, Fotini Panavou, Anastasia Zapadioti and Filitsa Makris/Moutousis



Anastasia Zapadioti

Panteion University, Department of Communication, Media and Culture • PR - Marketer Enthousiast in the making➰