The Ogilvies

Have you ever thought how hard is it for a digital influencer to take the perfect shot, for a photographer to find the perfect model for his project and for brands to find the perfect person to bring out its product, or all these mixed up? We did! In a brainstorming procedure to find a solution to this problem, that happens for us to confront it in our everyday life, we made our decision to build something really special. This will be a platform that connects influencers, photographers and brands, in order to find the perfect match based on what they are looking for and what inspires them the most. In this platform everyone, either a professional or not, can have his own portfolio or even make one from scratch, through our service. All this procedure is based on exchange of services and not in money, despite that if someone have a profitable deal with a brand, there will be some charge and some money separation between photographer and model.


We are — What? :

A social platform- application connecting digital influencers, photographers and brands


Building loyalty between influencers photographers and brands

Influencers can find their perfect match of photographers so as to create the perfect portfolio of pictures for their social media.

Photographers can find brands to work with so as to gain money , or even influencers so as to promote their work and create a portfolio

Brands can find influencers to promote their brand or to work with photographers who match with the whole concept of their brand

Why ?

The whole idea of our start up come out because of a problem that we face. Photographers nowadays can not promote their work as we live in the “ visual beauty era “ and in the same time they can not find brands to work with as the brands are searching only for “ professional photographers “ . Influences are facing the problem that they have no one to take photo of them or they have to pay a professional photographer.Brands are struggling to find a photographer who fits their style.

Our Team:

Kostas Madias GianF Danai Lyratzi Eirini Andreadaki

AD&PR Lab Professors:

Betty Tsakarestou Dr. Stavros Kaperonis



Afrodite Geo

Communication, Media and Culture @panteion university email: ~Η παιδεία, καθάπερ ευδαίμων χώρα, πάντα τ’ αγαθά φέρει.~Socrates