The ‘’OREO THINS’’ challenge, the Innovative Proposals and the Learning Experience.

During our lab Marketing Lesson in the University #AD&PRLAB, which was held from Miss Betty Tsakarestou and Miss @DianaBirba, we were asked to support the @OREO cookie brand, with innovative proposals, in order to help them promote it’s new product #OREO_THINS. We had to get to know this new product and the different characteristics that it combines, by it’s ancestor Classic Oreo Cookie.

This is how the new Oreo Crispy Thins look like.

Our team, which is consisted of Me, Maria Gougi and other 3 members, who are aggeliki iwannou, Thomi Galani and Kleidi Lika, are called INFINITUM. We, tried to construct a Marketing Strategy, that will include in different aspects of Marketing, as Holistic Marketing, Interractive Marketing and Relationship Marketing. We were asked, to find innovative Ideas to promote those Crispy Thin Cookies, to a specific target group of 25–45 years old and specifically pay attention to females. We, decided to promote the benefits of the Oreo Crispy Thins (less calories, a more sophisticated, tripping and crispier cookie, lower price with more product inside in the package, etc).

One idea, was to promote the Oreo Crispy Thins digitally, by using Social Media, in order to raise the awarness about this new extrordinary cookie!

We have also, created a promotional video, in which we present the new Oreo Crispy Thins and we are planning, to make it viral on Social Media and in every digital platform that we will be able! Have a look on it!

The other innovative ideas, that we found, was creating some promotional events and major cooperations, in order to give the opportunity to the possible consumers, to taste this delicious, creespy and elegant cookie!

We, are very optimistic, that the Oreo Crispy Thins , will manage to win a place in the heart of the consumers!

By this procedure, we took many lessons. We started to check our own ideas and explore the Marketing World! We learned, how to come up with new ideas, how to challenge ourselves on make them a reality and in the end, we were given a feedback, which is about to help us find solutions for our mistakes and become better marketers! We, also had the opportunity to get to know even better the Oreo World and discover how the market and the competition really works! We are waiting for our next challenge! We dare to innovate !



Maria Gougi

Studying Communication, Media and Culture in Panteion University in Athens, Greece.