The Oreo Thins project

As a student of Panteion University at the department of Communication,Media & Culture,on my 5th semester of my studies,i chose to follow the field of Communication. From the beginning, i knew that this would be an exciting journey with many experiences for me. In the Advertising and Public Relations Lab, with Betty Tsakarestou, professor and head of #ADandPRLAB. and Diana Birba, marketing director for Coca-Cola Hellas, we did our first “dive” into the deep “ocean” of Marketing.

This semester was really interesting as we had the chance to meet many significant people in the Marketing field, from both Greek or international famous companies. It is worth-mentioning that we also had the chance to visit some Greek departments of global companies, such as Coca Cola Hellas and Microsoft Hellas. This was a magical experience for us, because we were acclimated into a real working environment of huge companies.

Talking about international companies, i can ensure every reader of this article, that i could never imagine myself organizing an advertisement to promote a new product of this kind of company. At this point, i will make a short introduction about our final project for the #ADandPRLAB. This project would be so crispy and thin….Something extremely new in the Greek marketplace… Something really…elegant! Oh, just a minute! What did you bring on your mind?

I believe that it’s time for me to reveal you the theme of the project for all the groups in the class.. It is about a new product of the “Oreo” brand, and its called ‘Oreo Thins”. So, we came up with the challenge of delivering a creative idea and an activation plan that will promote Oreo Thins to new consumers and occasions. Of course, we were given the appropriate brief from the manager of Oreo brand in Greece, in order to understand what we had to do.

As a hypothetical advertising company in the limits of the Lab, the “Rolling Donuts” team (our team’s name), decided to create a marketing plan that will help us to achieve in promoting Oreo Thins at those specific target groups.

First of all, we categorized the target groups that Oreo Thins are planning to attract, in order to be more specific about them, and also, this was the only way for us to understand their needs, and how Oreo Thins biscuits will become a “delightful” break in their busy daily lives in order to get the pleasure they deserve.

The first target group was the female consumers aged from 25–45 years old. Αs i mentioned before, we categorized them into 3 age groups: Women at the age of 25, 35 and 45, because their characteristics and needs differentiate at every phase of their life. Furthermore, we thought that it is very important to mention the things that they love doing at every age, with the aim of finding the possible common points that these groups have, with the purpose of making Oreo Thins a “me-moment” pleasure during the day.

The second target group was the fitness people. At this category, we were challenged to promote Oreo Thins at people who are watching the waistline and give much attention at the calories of their nutrition. As you understand, this is really risky for the Oreo brand, because Oreo Thins are no sugar-free.

From the categorization, we found that both target groups (women 25–45, and fitness people) have a special common: they are, less or more, social media/internet users. This was very helpful for us because a type of the communication vehicles that we would use to advertise the brand, was the social media (online vehicles) such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, by posting pictures, images or animations, and organizing competitions.

A slogan that we invented about Oreo Thins advertisements on social media was: “Because size doesn’t matter” , by emphasizing at the fact that there is no difference at the taste between classic Oreo biscuits and Oreo Thins, with the following image:

What is more, we would also use offline communication vehicles to attract our desirable target groups. For example, we focused more at vehicles such as cinema, kiosks and outdoor/indoor events.

I guess now, that you want to know how will this happen..

Let me explain you the whole concept.

We will make it possible by organizing events in central places (such as Syntagma Square) that will include Oreo Thins mascots, in the limits of interactive competitions. A second idea is to establish Oreo Thins promotion kiosks outside of big companies in order to distribute packages of Oreo Thins biscuits. The last, and maybe the best promotional idea, is to put Oreo Thins as a product for sale at the cinemas with the combination of upcoming movies.

As a result of this idea, we made a possible option of how could this be in a more funny way :

To summarize, with this promotion campaign we aimed to prove at those people that Oreo Thins is the great evolution of the classic Oreo biscuit. It combines low fat, low price, and can fit to everyone at every situation during the day.

After the Oreo Thins project, what will be our next mission..?

The “Rolling Donuts” team members:

Ευγενία Μιχαηλίδη Melpo Ab Anastasia Pantelaki Alexios Lorentzos

