The secrets of innovation.

It’s really incredible how your personal view could change over watching some videos on YouTube. And when i say videos, i don’t mean music videos and such, but videos from people with inspiring ideas and keys that can eventually make a difference in the world. Some of those are “The art of innovation” by Guy Kawasaki, TEDxBerkeley, “The secret of Innovation-Take control of your life” by Dimis Michaelides and finally “Our approach to innovation is dead wrong’’ by Diana Kander TEDxKC.

To begin with, Guy Kawasaki’s talk introduces us to a ten-step manual about the art of innovation. He successfully points out, that the desire to make money as opposed to make meaning can lead to a possible failure. Innovators should put first and foremost their desire, their need to make meaning, to change the world. That occurs from their ability to jump curves, not worrying if there are going to be elements of crappiness into their revolution and rolling the dicee asking themselves: “Am i creating something that’s complete, smart, elegant and it’s going to give people satisfaction?”. Although maybe consumers may not be satisfied at all from this so called “perfect” product. Guy Kawasaki believes that great products are used to polarize people and we should not be afraid of that. People tend either to love or hate a product. And that’s OK. What it’s not OK, is not evolving the product. A good innovator should always change and change and change his product. He should not be resting, but always trying to evolve it, to make it better and better, while communicating to the consumers that his product is so unique and valuable that if they let it, it can change their lives.

Dimis Michaelides in his speech, devises innovation into talent, energy and method. These are the sources of creativity. Especially method is what makes creativity efficient, as it allow us to comfort challenges in stages: exploration, solution and implementation. In the meantime, he points out that good ideas come from individuals doing what they like the most. Although working in an organization means that you have to be able to team up with others in order to generate ideas and bring them to life. In innovative teams as Dimis Michaelides says, people tend to connect in new ways, inventing new things and at the same time defining their targets and implementing systems to achieve them. Finally, watching the specific video we can understand that in order to shape a culture where innovation may thrive, we should connect ideas, freedom, engagement, humor and reasonable risk, and also being able to come to terms with the possible failure of our ambitions.

To sum up, Diana Kander, a New York Best-selling author, entrepreneur and innovation consultant, points out that our approach to innovation is wrong and introduces us to a new way of seeing things. She starts her speech with an example of her personal life when a man attacked her after work. Although she was taking classes of self-defense, she was so shocked that she couldn’t do anything to defend herself at the time. After that incident she asked herself why did that happened and she reached to a conclusion similar to the behavior of innovation lately. The longer you work on your plan in a vacuum, the more likely you are to fail. By that, Diana means that we are teaching people the wrong way to allocate their time. Instead of making a five-years business plan, raising investments and launching our product hoping people will accept it with open arms, we should interact with the consumers, and find ways to figure out if they would be interested in buying our product. It’s crystal clear that human behavior is quite difficult to predict. So it is very essential in the first place to conduct an extended research over the culture and the needs of the consumers rather than hoping we be successful.

#StartupLab by #ADandPRLAB


ANNA LAMPROU Raphaela Panayiotou Maritina Filiou Alkistis Joan Vlasia Manteska

Betty Tsakarestou

