
My Ad Discovery Workshop Story- “The st_ARTers”

Throught the Ad Discovery Workshop, a laboratory, which is is created by our Professor Miss Betty Tsakarestou,i collaborated with wonderful people and became a team bringing input beyond a startup project .

But how all started?

During the spring semester,my team and I , as well as the rest of the teams,

have to create an innovative start-up company. So my co-workers and I create “The stARTers” company. Όλγα Κουτρουμανου came up with the extraordinary idea about street art and how the art world of street could communicate its vision and be part of an art community.

The idea

As i mentioned, “The stARTers” is an idea in order to bring together as many as possible street artists of Athens, to create a group for all the talented people who want to interact with the rest of the world through their form of art.

The lab-journey

First of all we became a team.And with “we” i meant Irene (Irene Zerva Charitopoulou),Olga Όλγα Κουτρουμανου,Semina(Semina Tsokana) and me.After finding the main idea and the name of our company, we looking for our customers in the center of Athens.

We found our mucisian, Nikos and we had a very interesting interview with him. Semina (Semina Tsokana),after had a brief chat with him, overtaken to fix the video of their converstation (https://twitter.com/the_stARTers_/status/746021977341702145) . Also, Irene Zerva Charitopoulou was the person who designed our logo and prepare our presentation.

And of course don’t forget about the map experience. We have to creat our own brief story after following openIdeo’s stractures.First Olga and I write the main story and I designed a quick draft plan.

my design-first attempt

Then Irene(Irene Zerva Charitopoulou) redesigned it.

Irene’s design-second and final attempt

Finally,before the final presentation, we build up a web site(http://thestarters4.weebly.com/) .This web site will help street musicians to see our work and at the same time they will have the opportunity to get known. In addition, we have a facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/The-st_ARTers-1586439005014304/?fref=ts ) and a twitter account(https://twitter.com/the_stARTers_). Our social media was managed by all and through them our goal was to communicate with our clients and to upload interviews and videos of the street musicians we found.

Thanks to my team I learned the priceless value of collaboration, inventiveness and team work.I would like to thank my team and our professor for this oppurtunity.


