Time to see AB Vassilopoulos from a new point of view! — Succecutives

AB Vassilopoulos is one of the most active supermarkets on the Greek social media and usually follows a more traditional strategy since it is limited to creating and promoting content that mainly concerns the offers of its stores. Because the audience they are trying to reach is mostly older, they maintain a specific corporate identity that varies with the season. It is also essential to use the same content in all communication channels, always adapted within each application. It is worth noting that AB has also done creative promotional actions, in collaboration with well-known influencers, by creating content related to specific activities that it wants to promote.

More specifically, their content concerns social issues of the modern world, mainly environmental and dietary habits with the hashtag #allazoumesinithies, and the family warmth with the hashtag #GiaOlaOsaNoiazesai.

There is, therefore, the opportunity to reach the young audience with more fun and creative content.

Following a more youthful direction on social media, we aim to expand the target audience of the already existing accounts. This new strategy is based on four pillars: fun, quality, youth, and facility. This aims to increase the awareness regarding the creative content created, such as the ‘easy recipes’ in collaboration with the influencers, and to increase the shops’ traffic by younger ages, resulting in more purchases. Engagement with a young audience aims to offer students security and confidence and a sense of stability due to the quality of the products.

AB’s message through our strategy is to show young people how easy it is to cook at very little cost, enjoy the process with their friends, become independent, and take life into their own hands, always with the help of AB.

We chose to move to the following social media in order to build a new, more youth-oriented strategy: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Spotify.

First of all, we believe that Facebook must be a hub of information about AB, but it should also act as a mini-website; a directory of their website, contact details, and location as well as portraying the company’s values and ethos. The Facebook page should be simply navigation to the main website/e-shop of AB. Moreover, we propose to post more videos and posts about student food, and offers. We also thought to launch two new campaigns “Highlight your employee” and “Fan of the month”.

The purpose of an employee spotlight is to put a face to AB’s company and to showcase firsthand stories about what this workplace looks like. Additionally, by highlighting the “Fan of the month”, both online as well as in-store, and also by offering special discount vouchers, we’ll be able to attract new followers as well as friends of the selected Fan.

What about Instagram?

Recent trends show that people, especially students, love online contests, joyful and not hypocritical commercials, easy recipes (3–5 ingredients), and interactive content (such as Instagram polls.) That’s what we’re gonna do! Young people tend to trust more all those brands that shape an active presence on social media, especially with interactive content.

People still love deals, even if they’re no longer scouring newspaper inserts to clip coupons. We’ve got the best solution for that. We’re planning to digitize AB’s coupons so they can be found and retrieved with a simple finger swipe on a smartphone. Having a few coupons to use just may make the difference between whether they pick up their groceries at our store or the one across town.

Undoubtedly, TikTok is used a lot by young people, and that’s one of the main reasons that we chose to build a strategy for this medium. Creating an account in a new media might be difficult in the beginning, but it’s totally worth it. We’re planning to collaborate with young and well-known TikTokers, who will make easy recipes with AB’s products. Another plan is to launch a campaign with cleaning hacks/tips, with affordable cleaning material from AB.

YouTube and Spotify will also be part of our new social media strategy, with a series of cleaning hacks, easy recipes and cooking videos in collaboration with influencers. Spotify will be used in order to promote our online contests via audio advertisements.

by Succecutives

Evelina Chatzistavraki

Elisa Tsirimokou

Stella Kartsona

Manu Makrydakis

