Tsakiris Micro fits in your pocket

Blind cat sees the taste

In this semester as a team (Market-In) at AD and PR Lab we had to apply our knowledge and our personal skills, in order to create a brand and of course promote it and also to create and edit a video.

Our team Market-In created a short promo video to promote the brand by involving animals -with special needs and abilities to see Tsakiris Taste, where we absolutely love. Our video is to promote Tsakiris-microchips a personal snack that brings quality in every day at the most crowded places. We highlight the tastiness and the curiosity of the product by involving a blind cat who tastes only Tsakiris chips all the time…She is awake when she hears the name Tsakiris and her reward is tasting Tsakiris chips. The aim of Tsakiris Micro is to meet the needs of consumers due to the unprecedented situation in which we have been confronted.

Tsakiris Microchips fit in your pocket. An exciting fact? You can find it anywhere. It is made with real potatoes and the quality is the best.

As for the cost, it is the lower you can find in the market! The target group is mostly ordinary everyday people, who want to have a snack, but without overdoing it, athletes who are looking for a little guilty pleasure, and people who want to try new special flavors (aka explorers). Another important thing that we wanted to point out is a gap in the market that exists: with the use of wet wipes in order to be clean. This idea came up for two reasons, the first obvious reason is to have a clean hand before and after you it the product, and the second reason is due to the pandemic period Covid-19. This made the situation more difficult because we weren’t able to meet all together and participate in the video footage. But as a team, we had great communication skills and everybody was willing to work happily.





#Petros Kariatoglou

#Zenia Karampela

#Eleni Ektoros

#Rozanna Apostolidou

#Andriana Manioti

#Zenia Barry

#Silvia Ralli

Our new advertisement of Tsakiris micro.

Brings quality in everyday life, with a personal snack in the most crowded places.

As easy as it gets

Always stay clean!

It includes four different concepts:

Tsakiris micro is here

A little thing

For the little things -Making life tastier, easier, healthier

Have fun watching it!

Our post on Facebook reached 21 likes total and we had about 3 comments not much though. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to find the screenshot we saved because we had some problems oops! But the problem we managed to create a great video and promote the product hope successfully. We all can say that we had a great time combining our imagination and knowledge.

