
An introduction to our new media startup


Throughout the courses of our Ad Discovery and Creativity Lab course in our Media and Communications studies we were called on to create a brand new marketing/PR/Digital Marketing or Branding startup and develop our startup’s vision,values,the services it will offer and a detailed analysis of the way this company or in-house hub will function.

Along with the ideas for our new startup,our team came up with a unique name ‘’Univertising’’ which is a combination of the words ‘’universe’’ and ‘’advertising’’.The next thing in our list was to create a specific post for each team member of our group and thus Daphne Zacharia became our Director of Innovation,Vasiliki Tassi got the role of the International Brand Manager and I,Merope Kolokassidou took the position of the Business Developer.After giving it a lot of thought we also decided on our startup’s motto which is ‘’From students — for students’’ and the reason we came up with that is directly connected to the fundamentals of our media startup and will be analysed below.

In a few words,our company collaborates with new startup companies by students and young entrepreneurs and offers our marketing services to them.In our motto it’s implied that we ourselves are also students and particularly we are three young aspiring marketeers who wish to bring fresh and revolutionary ideas in the field of advertising.We decided on locating our headquarters in Athens and to open a sub-unit in London.

Univertising’s vision is to help young entrepreneurs, inspire students and promote creativity and innovation to the youth.In addition our goal is to creatively deliver brilliant and innovative startups and projects that the audience will admire and share. Our company works towards approaching young people , especially students, in order to deliver their ideas creatively.Our company also has a secondary motto which is ‘’Not localized, GLOBALIZED’’ that stands for our value to help student startups gain international recognition and not be limited to the local market.Last but not least in our values is that through our work we strive to educate, entertain and attract the audiences.

A few words about what specifically is it that our company does, our work undertakes from the initial generation of the campaign and concept creation through to its production and release.It is also a rule for us to apply the most well-suited marketing methods according to our each client’s needs.Our services include: digital marketing, social media as well as print advertising, OOH, events and we also engage with Guerilla marketing.

Image source: https://citycampus.gr/start-up-legal/

The innovative aspects of our startup lie within the methods that we use in our projects which are state of the art technology, fast-paced services, flexibility and overall creativity.Moving on to our partnership plan ,we cooperate with universities from all over the world, startup organizations tat are designed for students, and events that aim to promote and spread innovation to the younger generation.

Throughout this project our team learned a lot about launching a new marketing and media company ,the challenges and obstacles such a project can face and the importance of accurate and detailed planning not only in the field of branding and marketing but also in business,partnerships and the company’s strategies.

Power Point Presentation and Univertising official site:

