User Experience Map


Working with User Experience Map was a very helpful experience for our team. What helped us the most was the fact that we had to put ourselves in the potential user’s position and realize what he/she would expect from our site. We also had to work together and create a story,which helped us as a team because we combined different ideas and that enhanced our team spirit.

We needed to answer the most basic question: “Why?” As in “Why is our idea something worth coming to life? How will it help, and who?”

That’s why we started creating Emma’s story. Emma is our fictional user, and we draw her story of how she ended up visiting our site, on a piece of carton.

In short, Emma was a girl who liked romantic stories and wanted to read books about them but couldn’t find one suitable for her in the library. After a while, she got tired of searching between thousands of books available at the library. In the meantime, as she was scrolling down her Facebook page, she stumbled upon a quote from our page shared by one of her friends that caught her eye. When she clicked on our site she found out that the quote was from a book that was already at the library, and which she would not have looked at twice, had it not been for that quote that triggered her interest. Through this story, we realized that our site doesn’t only help people start reading books, but also helps them not give up on finding one, by making it easier for them to get a glimpse on the inside of books that could potentially be suitable for them.



Mando Paparrigopoulou

studying Media, Communication and Culture, wannabe actress, trying to “watch” less and “see” more.