Vox VIP:Introduction

Within the lesson Introduction to Advertising & Pubic Relations, we were called to face a brand new challenge. We have reached our last goal-to create an innovation.

After receiving useful feedback from our proffesor Mrs Betty Tsakarestou, we gathered together as a team, in order to establish our ideas. We followed the next steps:
3.Focusing on our interests
4.Deeper searching

It took us one week to reorganise and introduce our plug-in innovation. We ended up building an expansive model ,to the well-known Vox, but in an application form called: Vox V.I.P.
We gave our best in order to make our idea particularly responsive to our interests and our personal inclinations. But before I start describing our innovative app, you might as well consider what is the already existing one, named Vox.


NEW YORK TIMES: ‘’a technology company that produces media’’

THE ECONOMIST: ‘’bright and promising (…) the premise behind the site was profoundably honourable’’

Clearly, it is a 21st century’s American news & opinion site. It can be as well taken as a media platfrom. It was founded in 2014 by the innovators: Ezra Klein, Matt Yglesias and Melissa Bel.The Editor is Lauren Williams and the owner is Vox Media. Its purpose is something more than serving interesting & innovative news: the concept is explanatory journalism.


Firstly, as you can see, it is an Inhouse innovation, established by the founding members of our team: Andriana, Konstantina & Vasileia.
The Vox V.I.P. ,media & advertising platform, is going to be a seperate mobile application . After all, the GSMA’s (2014) survey found out that there is an expanding use of mobiles phones even in global South. We took that under consideration because we want every person to be able to watch our media news rather his beliefs, traditions & origins. We want to ensure equal access to our audience.

In order to achieve that goal, we decided that our app is going to be free. Our viewers will not need to pay during subscription.
Additionaly, our app will ensure its finance by advertising businesses,agencies, organizations that might also be included in Vox’s V.I.P interviews.
In order to be appealing to the clients & to the audience, Vox V.I.P. app will contain 2 Vox series.

Mission & Values

VOX V.I.P :Voice To The People.

We want to make people be a part of the report,tell their story, watch the process and involve to it without paying.
Our aim is also to attract younger audience with a new way of presenting news . Traditional media are over time and now there is need for a new era.

Furthermore, one of our highest values is to stand as a reliable source. People need a media platform to rely on during this time of fake news. We want to build connections based on trust.

Our clients (costumers, audience) will get the opportunity to:
a)play an active role in the news
b)have a 360 view of things
c)see the BTS


Our dream is to establish a media company which will be strongly marked as interactive. So, every free subscriber will have to create a personal account, in our Vox V.I.P. platform, as to grab the opportunity to gather digital points. Yes, you guessed right! Gamification techniques are going to be the component of our app.
Specifically, subscribers will gain points by:

1.Scanning Qr Codes or taking part in augmented reality.
2.Reading articles.
3.Watching our videos.
4.Being one of the first to read/view/comment
5.Suggesting topics

These actions will give the audience the luck to meet our guests, be a part of the proccess, be present in some specific interviews & win gifts by our advertised companies.

You can see how our innovation evolves in the next articles.
You can also view and download our powerpoint. Click here.
You might also check out our instagram.
My partners
: Konstantina Kallergi, Vasileia Triantafylloy
Proffesor: Mrs Betty Tsakarestou




*Communication, Media & Culture — Gr. *Specializing in Marketing, Adveristing & Public Relations *Project & Marketing Manager , Editor at BeVisibleBeYOU NGO