Photo: EVRY

Vox VIP: Insight

As mentioned in a previous article ( Vox VIP: Introduction) VIP is a mobile app, available to download on all devices worldwide. It includes content from the Vox website and Youtube channel, but it has a different editorial core. It focuses more on the new Vox multimedia series, that are exclusive to the app. In order to to make users engage more and be more active, VIP introduces a level and point system. By certain actions, such as reading articles, commenting on them, sharing ideas or “sponsoring” articles and topics you gain more points and level up.

How does VIP make money?

VIP is a “freemium” app; it’s free to download, but the user might make purchases along the way. These purchases are not mandatory, but they better the experience. For instance, if a user sponsors a publication, they become a “patreon” and they can have certain privilege such as early access to content.

Like many other apps of this kind, VIP also contains ads, but they are as discreet and minimized as possible, so that they won’t ruin the experience.

As previously mentioned, two Vox series are available within the app platform. These two will make VIP more appealing to sponsors, partners and new clients.

The new series

Being the editorial core and main focus of the app, these additions combine Vox series’ journalistic character, while simultaneously introducing a fresh, new way of promoting ideas, people and projects.

Original Photo: Blade Runner 2049, Warner Bros. ©

The first one is “Business Insight”. In this series people with success stories and years of experience give insight to their work, while also promoting their latest project.

Original Photo: Blade Runner 2049, Warner Bros. ©

The second series, “Innovation”, features start-ups, inventions, initiatives that could potentially change the world and through VIP’s big platform it gives them the chance to be introduced to a broader audience.

The Clients

Consumers: The people who have downloaded the app and actively use it. Through the app they have the opportunity to learn more and give their opinion on the finished product and during the process of making a publication.

Already established companies: “Business Insight” targets them. They are potential sponsors and special-project partners. VIP gives them the platform to further-engage with audiences and increase their brand’s trustworthiness and likability.

Up-and-comers:Newly consisted businesses and projects, preferably with an environmental/philanthropic cause — they are “Innovation’s” main interest. They are usually approached and chosen by Vox VIP and not the other way round. VIP doesn’t gain much financially wise, but its main goal is to give Vox to the people and that’s what it does through “Innovation”. In addition, in publications that feature humanitarian or environmental initiatives 60% of the viewers’ sponsorship goes to them.

Meet the team / founding members

Andriana, as a senior researcher looks for the people that will be featured in the series and comes in contact with them. She’s also head of the partnership program, looking and making deals with potential partners.

Vasileia, as an executive editor works as VIP’s strategic compass setting its mission, vision and voice.

Konstantina is the chief marketing editor and audience developer, meaning she’s responsible for attracting a diverse audience and helping VIP engage with it.

Photo: RATP — Denis Sutton


Vox VIP is very value centered. First and foremost, it puts quality over everything. VIP strives and works hard to deliver interesting, ethical content to its audience, even if that means to take risks. High up on the value system is respect, too. VIP respects its users, its staff and its sponsors/ partners. It also strives to be as inclusive and diverse as it can possibly be, whether that applies to its content or its staff.

Powerpoint presented in “Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations” lab taught by Betty Tsakarestou:

The rest of “Milokleftis” team members: adrianakil, Konstantina Kallergi

