What is innovation?( AdandPRLab)

So, what is innovation? We now believe that we understand what innovasion is after watching Guy Kawasaki, Tina Zita and Diana Kander talking and going deep through the meaning of it.

The art of innovation — Guy Kawasaki

To do an innovation, according Guy Kawasaki,you must have the “desire to make meaning”. Your goal must change the world. Making money may be a result, but you will probably fail if you think that first.

You should “make a mantra”. A mantra explains why you should exist. Put a few meaningful words that represent you. Make your receiver understand what you truly are. Don’t try just to impress.

One more ability is to have perspective. An ability that lets you “jump to the next curve”. Many times the problem is how you define yourself. In order to jump to the next curve you have to define your self concerning the benefits you provide, not what you do.

The fear of failing can keep you behind. But it’s ok to fail. When you “jump to the next curve” it’s ok to have failures in your evolution. It’s a part of how you made it. When you make it you don’t have to stay there. You have to keep evolving. It’s not easy to let it go but you should. You should keep on moving, open your mind to the next step don’t get stuck to your idea! Keep improving your self, your idea makes steps to the future. Open your eyes to see the next thing coming.

Also you should not be afraid to polarize people. As Guy Kawasaki says “great products polarize people!” It’s not a goal you should set but it is not necessarily a bad thing. A product can be loved or hated.

Be cautious. If you come up with an idea many people may say that this can’t be done. It’s not necessarily true. If this someone has not achieve something yet you may not listen to him but if this someone has already done something great, then there is the possibility to affect you. His success, his incapability to see the “next curve” can keep you from a next one. So, believe in yourself and don’t let others say to you that something can’t or shouldn’t be done.

The speech was part of a TEDx event and was published on February 22,2014.

What is innovation? — Tina Zita

We are used to think of innovation as eureka moments, breakthrough discoveries that suddenly blossomed in the minds of geniuses. Tina Zita, an expert in integrating technology in school programs, proposes a different take: Innovation is actually more of a journey, than a mere moment of extreme ingenuity. One of the main examples she uses to communicate her viewpoint is that “Einstein had 10 years between two of his main discoveries. 10 years of questioning pondering, reflecting.” This idea is discussed more at length in the best-selling book “Where good ideas come from” by Steven Johnson. The author argues that eureka moments are actually rare in the history of innovation. Most ideas are developing for many years in the minds of innovators before they result to novelties.

Other important points of Zita’s speech include:

  • You are more likely to be innovative when you are passionate about something.
  • Connections on an intellectual level between different people are key. Conversations, brainstorming sessions, social media and books offer sparks for innovation.
  • Innovation often consists of building on existing achievements.

The speech was part of a TEDx event and was published on June 3, 2016.

Our approach to innovation is dead wrong — Diana Kander

In the beginning Diana Kander starts her speech with an example from her personal life. When she was younger, once a man tried to attack her and even though she was taking self-defence classes,she was in shock and she couldn’t use the moves she was taught. She could barely move. That example was given in order to explain that something like that incident also happens in the way people approach innovation. Specifically, the part that tae-kwon-do did not help her defend herself, even though she believed she could, because she was taught the wrong way, is similar to the way they teach people, who have good ideas, to start new companies and launch new products. That way is wrong.

There has been macro trends showing that there has been a gradual decrease in the overall number of new companies started in an actual increase in the number of new companies failing and going out of business. The problem is on the way they teach new start ups to distribute their time. The classes teach the new innovators that when you have a great business idea you have to write a wide scope business plan a 30 page document with 5 year financial projections, then you need to raise investment to build your product and finally when everything is ready consumers will choose your product. Diana Kander believes that this is a very wrong plan, because you spend a lot of time and money on searching, building, making everything perfect, but in the end you miss the most important thing which is checking if consumers need or are willing to buy your product.

So, that’s why she insists that the right way to be an innovator successful is by being taught how to use facts and evidence about how consumers are going to behave. Then, after using two more examples/tricks about the clever approach to innovation,she supports the method of pre-celling the product when it is complete, so to be sure that the customers will buy it before you expose it.

To sum up, Diana Kander advices the new innovators to experiment and try their new brilliant ideas practically without losing all of their precious time on theories and plannings .

That’s how new real companies will be created and be successful .

“More than hope, we need proof”

The speech was part of a TEDx event and was published on August 27,2014.

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Thank you!

Betty Tsakarestou Rebecca Bacharnikou Nena Nicolaou



Maria Kakoliri

Professional dancer | Dance teacher National school of dance (KSOT) and also.. 🎓Studying at Panteion University ( Communication, Media and Culture)