
What is innovation?|A story for our AdAndPrLab#3: Communication Strategy and Social Media- Business Startup.

Innovation is what we call, a new idea.

However, innovation does not come from one day to another,but it’s rather a journey one must take in order to make its product to have meaning. To be innovative there has to be passion for something to make it unique. When talking about uniqueness though it means that a mantra must be created around the product to make it important to the costumer. Moreover, innovation needs to be done with an open perspective and the will to see things new without forgetting that many of them might be a remix rather than a new product/idea (like smartphones,which in reality are the old phones). And when that is achieved one must be ready to make its product functional,intelligent,empowering but most of all elegant in order to attract it’s possible users, although sometimes the ones they came first in mind as potential users are not the ones who persue it but others beyond the expected !Last, but not least, dedication is what takes the innovation to a new level.Because, no matter how much the product might be needed if the equal deducation isn’t poured into it , the product will fail.

Moving on, innovation cannot be flawless and there is always a chance of some mistakes in the product. However this aspect must not cause frustration to the innovator rather than challenge and a path to see things differently.It is not a few times that people create a better product just from impoving from the negatives.Because this journey of innovation is long and unique and beautiful it has to have some break points to fill the engine of the brain with new ideas!The brain is a strong machine but it is better for it to stay calm for a few days maybe weeks and rest. Besides that, innovation is a creation of a talented person who through method and hard work can achieve efficiency to a product.

In the end,innovation is not a job that one must take on its own. Although every individual idea is needed, teamwork it what takes the innovation to the next step.Innovation is not only a new idea.It appears that it is much more. It takes time, dedication,hard work, cooperation, strong will and power to stand out of the crowd and support something that it is believed to be useful for the consumer.



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Videos that gave us the ideas:




•Finished music high school of Pallini • Finished my studying at Panteion University / public relations and marketing / Currently working at Initiative GR